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Everything posted by lakeeffectkid383

  1. None but even if we didn’t mix there’s no way we would have come close to those Kuchie totals.
  2. Not true here. Kuchie still had 13-15” here off of .8-1.0” LE. I had .92” LE and only 6.6” of snow. Less than half of the Kuchie totals...
  3. Just cleared the snowboard and took a core. 6.6” with .92” LE. Almost a 7:1 ratio. Models actually got the QPF almost spot on, it was just our stupidity for even glaring at Kuchie Maps. It’s like someone just poured bags of sugar and sand everywhere.
  4. Yeah as of now that storm doesn’t look like a big deal for WNY at all. 3-6” maybe. Hopefully it’ll shift north some as we get closer but with our luck it will go against the seasonal north trend move further south and we’ll gets flurries. Went from a week to remember to one I can’t wait to forget.
  5. Just eyeballing out the 2nd story I’d be surprised we have 5 inches. Absolute joke of a storm. Everything that could go wrong did. Atrocious flake size from the get go, then sleet for the entire night, along with multiple dry patches moving through cutting off precip completely for an hour or more at a time. Precip is already done for the storm too. Just an absolute BUST of a storm.
  6. We’re now into the massive dry a lot here. We could be pretty much done with precip for the event here as the storm moves off to the NE and all the precip stays to our NW. Top 3 bust all time for me. Unbelievably horrible storm here. Schools should never have closed. The streets will be down to bare pavement by 5 am lmfao!
  7. Dude what a joke. Like I seriously feel like I’m just dreaming right now. Every single model had 10” + here minimum. Looks like 2 inches eyeballing it and straight sleet. Easily the worst bust of the season. Models are absolutely horrible. LEK is right, it is humbling to think your locked and loaded just hours before the event or as it unfolds and to be totally and completely wrong.
  8. Am I dreaming or is this real? Fell asleep to heavy snow and wake up 3 hours later with about an inch more on the ground then when I fell asleep and heavy sleet. Lmao. What a freaking bust. No model had sleet getting even close to here. Congrats Toronto? (Again)
  9. Yep mix line is at the Erie County border now. What is up with that dry “patch” about to swing through here? Anyone know what’s causing it and why it wasn’t modeled?
  10. As Delta mentioned I don’t think it’s a dry slot, if you look SW of Cleveland there is more precip streaming to the NE however it’s definitely a sizable patch of dry air that was not modeled at all and will put another dent in the totals to go along with the poor flake size.
  11. Yeah not a chance I see 12-18 “ . Coming down good like you said but it’s accumulating so slow cause of the flake size. I would not be surprised at all to have .8 or .9” QPF when all said and done and less than 10” of snow.
  12. Haven’t taken a core (still too little) but I would bet the snow that has fallen so far is no higher than 10-12:1. Pure sugar/baking soda.
  13. Yep not a chance we see 12”+ here. This is some of the worst snow growth I’ve ever seen and it’s not getting better even with the better echos moving in. I think 6-8” sounds bout right. Definitely disappointing but should have known better than to trust any of the Kuchie numbers being spit out the last day or two.
  14. Sure just trying to post observations that I’m seeing. Flake size is still absolutely atrocious here. Literally needles and sugar grains. Maybe nearing half an inch here now and I would say it’s still light snow borderline moderate.
  15. Looking at the National Radar Mosaic it looks like Detroit is gonna be the sweet spot. I know it’s dangerous to project looking at radar but it sure looks like that dry slot is head straight for WNY... it’s already nearing Cleveland.
  16. Keep an eye on that dry slot already RACING through central OH. Making a beeline right towards WNY.
  17. Jamestown also just north of the mix line. Will be mix there shortly.
  18. Holiday is north of the mix line on correlation coefficient. It’s sleet/ZR in Olean.
  19. Clear visibility on the Olean webcam and they’re under heavy returns. Looks like the started as snow (on the ground) and have since flipped to sleet or ZR. https://www.eadeswallpaper.com/webcam.php
  20. That line is CRUISING to the north. In the last few frames it went from south of the NY/PA border to north of Allegany State Park. Think it’s going to make it to about Springville before all said and done.
  21. How’s flake size by you? It’s horrible here. Not accumulating well at all. Not even half an inch here.
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