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Everything posted by lakeeffectkid383

  1. Haven’t worn a mask in a week. Soon as CDC stated fully vaccinated people didn’t need to wear them anymore. It’s definitley taking a while getting used to it, but it’s great catching all the dirty looks from the people who are still double masked.
  2. Took my first dip in the pool this afternoon. 72 outside with full sunshine and water was a frigid 44 degrees lol. Only lasted about a minute haha.
  3. I could see 13-4 with another loss coming to Indy. With that D and if Carson can return even somewhat to his 2017 campaign that would be a tough game for sure.
  4. That Hartford number is insane. That was almost 30% increase of their 40” a year average.
  5. 1.57” in the gauge here. Finally coming to an end but pretty much poured all day long here. A miserable 42 degrees.
  6. Rain is pouring down. Nearing an inch in the gauge already. What a miserable day. Maybe some flakes tonight as the moisture pulls away?
  7. My bad. I used app, and it showed in stock at Hamburg Walmart for pickup today. Just got my pool opened today. Got all my chemicals from Sam’s Club.
  8. It says in stock at Hamburg Walmart. 6 and 12 pack available in stock. Aisle Y4.
  9. Nope bought $500 worth at 8/10ths of a penny a share. It’s now worth 75 x that amount. So $500 x 75 is $37500. Blows big time.
  10. I bought Doge at 0.8 cents a share. Like an idiot I sold it at 10 cents a share. Had I held onto it I would have had $37,500 right now off of $500 smh.
  11. This seems to be the seem the last few years for sure. Last year we had accumulating snow second week of May straight to 90+ 2 weeks later. The day I brought my daughter home from the hospital (May 27th I believe) it was 96 on the car thermometer the whole way home.
  12. Snow winding down in Derby on the cam. 5.2” on the deck. Backend over achieved. Didn’t think we would accumulate that well once sun was up but with over 3 1/2 inches already on the ground and some moderate to heavy snowfall rates for a while we added an inch and a half after sun up. Think of what we could have had if we didn’t have that several hour lull during the overnight hours when all the precip was NW of the BUF metro.
  13. My call for highest accums at IAG looks good. I guessed 3.7” for BUF too. Gonna bust high for ROC and Wolfie it seems though as they unfortunately got skunked.
  14. QPF definitley low. Highest reported QPF so far is .44” on 4.1” of snow. My fiancé just measured. 4.5” on the deck and still coming down pretty good. No idea on the QPF at my place.
  15. They always land up more N and W than forecasted. Every single time.
  16. Surprised to find less snow at work in Hamburg Village which is further inland from the lake than my house is. Only 2.5 inches here. Roads are a disaster everywhere though, don’t think town of Hamburg or Evans has any plow or salt trucks out what so ever.
  17. 3.6” inches here as of 6:35. A bit more than I thought eyeballing. Maybe we get to 4” then that wouldn’t really be a bust.
  18. Definitley a bust compared to the forecast but exactly what I was expecting. Back edge of the snow moving towards us fast. Looks like snow will shutoff by 8-9am at the latest. I have about 3 inches on the deck, maybe an inch on the roads.
  19. Lol either there’s a huge difference from my house to yours or something happened overnight. Looked great last night when I went to bed, looks about 2” eyeballing it. Figured the way it was coming down and accumulating last night that we’d have at least 4-6”. Glad I set the bar low lol.
  20. Driveway covered already. Down to 32.1 . Dropped 2 degrees in 20 minutes.
  21. That escalated quickly. Absolutely pounding snow here now. Roads already getting a coating. Wow. 32.7 degrees and dropping fast.
  22. Moderate snow with large flakes mixing in with graupel here. All falling straight to the ground with no wind what so ever. 34 degrees.
  23. Likely graupel which is counted as snow but still impressive none the less.
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