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Everything posted by lakeeffectkid383

  1. Yep Florida for sure. Going to Orlando to take the kids to Disney in late September. Hopefully no hurricanes mess up our plans.
  2. Have you had a bud light seltzer before? Not the biggest fan of bud light but their seltzer’s are delicious. I prefer over a white claw.
  3. Fizzeled right out not even any lightning. Light shower. Weak sauce.
  4. No we like snow here. If he moves to the Southtowns we have a 11-12 repeat every year with 30” of Snow annually or a 2010 where BWI and DC get 70”+ while we struggle to hit 50% of average snowfall. Keep him in the sizzlecuse.
  5. Pretty good article about a possible theory on why the hail was so large in WNY yesterday. Definitely an interesting quick read. https://www.wgrz.com/mobile/article/weather/large-hail-fell-across-niagara-county-tuesday/71-d8eefbc6-9894-4bb7-a54b-ac53e1139a6e
  6. The flooding up there is INSANE. Historic flooding up that way. Dozens and dozens of calls to my work which is in the Southtowns.
  7. Nah those storms are back building and training right over Lockport. Gonna be some massive flooding there soon. They get plenty of flooding with a garden variety thunderstorm that last 20 minutes let alone a training storm like this that’s going to last over an hour or two with 2-3” of rain falling an hour.
  8. 1.5 “ hail being reported in Lockport. That’s ping pong ball sized hail, about as big as it gets around here. Waiting to see some pics from there.
  9. What a horrible model. How much verified out there ? Doppler estimate about 2-2.5” out that way.
  10. Tornado Warning just south of Springville. Has a decent couplet on the velocity scans too. What a busy weather day in WNY. Lots of reports of flooding in the north towns as well.
  11. 1.02” here since the rain started yesterday. Absolutely pouring out right now but looks short lived as the low is moving up Lake Erie we look to get “dry slotted” as the low moves overhead. Lots more rain up in N. Erie and Niagara/Orleans/Genesee counties as they’re approaching over 2 inches since midnight. The entire Niagara Frontier is under a flood warning and now a new flash flood warning just popped near Jamestown due to 1-3” of rain already falling this morning on top of the 3” they got yesterday.
  12. Weak sauce storms in Derby. Most of the storms went by to my north. One last chance over W/C Lake Erie that should arrive between 9-10 but could wane quite a bit before it gets here as we lose the sun.
  13. Some impressive velocities showing up over Amherst with that severe thunderstorm right now. Nearly 70mph. Wanna hear from some posters up that way!
  14. Nearly 6” in grand island now and storms are intensifying again right over them.
  15. I did not but my fiancé texted me and said it was hailing pretty good and tons of thunder and lightning. I was in Buffalo for work and it was partly sunny out.
  16. How was the storm last night? We had a wicked storm roll through here around 11:30pm mountain time last night with tons of thunder and lightning and quarter sized hail. Temp dropped down to 39 this morning here behind that cold front.
  17. Heading to Wyoming and Colorado tomorrow for 10 days. Quite the forecast where I may be able to see snow and 100 degree temps all in the same week. Planning on going up into the snowy mountains of Wyoming on Monday where high temps look to be around 50 with snow showers in the morning with temps in the 30s. Then have a wedding in Denver on Thursday where the high is 99 degrees. Should be a fun time with lots of weather extremes.
  18. Was some serious thunder last night. Thundered for over an hour straight and was loud enough to keep me up. I had 0.63 in the gauge this morning.
  19. Only mad it to 77 in Derby. Mac temp here for the next week is 79 according to NWS. So much for the “heatwave”. Fine be me and perfect weather to enjoy outside.
  20. Ive never had a water bill more than $80 for a quarter. It’s insane how cheap water is here. When I lived in Rhode Island it was around $300-400 a quarter and I didn’t even have kids then so that was for just 2 people.
  21. Not sure as this is just my first year with a pool. However water is up to 78 degrees with the solar cover and heater on. Before today it’s been pretty toasty the last week or so which really warmed the pool up. Water was 43 degrees just 2 weeks ago. Pool feels like bath water now. Those solar heaters really do a hell of a job. I have a 27 foot by 4 foot pool and a 36” x 20 foot solar heater.
  22. Yes I use test strips. I just use the 3” chlorine disks, 1-2 a week in the skimmer and 1-2 a week in a pool floater. Got a 40 pound bucket at Sam’s club for $99. Should last me all summer.
  23. How often do you shock your pool? Ive had mine open 3 weeks and haven’t shocked it besides when I opened it. Water is crystal clear and water test are perfect.
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