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Everything posted by lakeeffectkid383

  1. Woke up yesterday with some congestion and a little cough and woke up today feeling like total crap with a wicked painful cough. Got tested and I’m positive. Knew it was just a matter of time.
  2. Lmao we spent all that time tracking this. I was only expecting 1-3” here so not really to disappointed to wake up and see 1/2-3/4” out there but really sucks for you guys from BUF to ROC who were solidly in the 3-6” zone on every model and are also waking up to 1/2” and a radar that looks like pure trash.
  3. Rain snow line temporarily moved north but looks to be permanently steadily marching back to the south.
  4. Back to more sleet than snow. Temp at 32 degrees. Gonna be a long night of flip flopping here I think. I think 10 miles north of me does well but BuffaloWeather and I are right on the cutoff.
  5. 33 and mostly snow now with a couple pingers mixed in. Flakes are nice size too.
  6. 0.41” of rain here already, still rain but temps down to 34 so we’re inching closer.
  7. I think that’s wrong. Plain rain and 37 here in Derby. I’m expecting about 1-3” here with more of a mix than in the north towns. I think you could see 3-5” Thinksnow, from you to Rochester and just east of there before amounts really drop off as you head towards TugHillMatt.
  8. Maybe BuffaloWeather had a nasty cutoff of all that leg hair and now Buffalo Bumble considers him a babe?
  9. 12z RGEM looks good but definitely not a great synoptic model, much better at forecasting mesoscale lake effect.
  10. Yeah things look decent atm for a 2-4” event with maybe a lolli or two to 5” where there’s enhancement somewhere from BUF to ROC. Would like to see the 12z models bump south a bit more for me here.
  11. Till it jumps ship at 00z and has the Bullseye over Barrie, Ontario. Lol jk….. sort of.
  12. Thank god we have the Bills because that’s about the only good thing to look forward to with the weather pattern so darn crappy. We going to be a top 5 low snowfall winter at BUF?
  13. Yep took this not too long ago. Roads already getting covered.
  14. Snowing very nicely with HUGE flakes. Grass is almost covered already. Got home from work an hour or so ago and it wasn’t even snowing.
  15. Greener here than it was in May last year. If I look hard enough I swear my grass has grown a little since last week.
  16. Merry Christmas everyone! Nothing says Christmas like 51 degrees and 0.81” of rain since midnight!
  17. Haven’t read post since this morning. What the hell did I just come back to??? Lmao.
  18. I legit know over 20 people with covid right now. It’s running rampant around here right now. 6 people at work are out with covid, half of my fiancé’s family is all positive, as well as a few friends. It’s just a matter of time before we get it as much as we are trying to keep it away.
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