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The Iceman

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Everything posted by The Iceman

  1. On second thought I don't know if I could handle reading yanksfan argue about rainfall on a day 10 model prog in a thread that is supposed to be the non banter thread. just awful.
  2. basically these two sum up my thoughts. i think we desperately need more activity and combining forces would really add to the discussion, not subtract as long as the mods limit the banter in those discussion threads as I've seen has been done.
  3. i'm one of those 4 posters and i 100% agree with you, but alas I am the minority and we have a good group of people here. wouldn't want to chase off the very few posters we have left.
  4. definitely remember you from the sports threads at eastern...caps fan right? 2008 series thread was a fun one welcome back, hopefully you'll have more to post about weather wise in a few weeks
  5. Yeah I remember the chaos and would welcome it back compared to the 6 or so posts a day we get right now. But the majority doesn't want a merge anyway so it s moot point. Just wish this forum was much more active.
  6. welcome aboard! i disagree with you though about the quiet only reflecting the weather. even when hurricane joaquin was a threat this year, this board was still dead for the most part. And that was with some models showing a sandy-esque repeat. There really wasn't much discussion of it at all and honestly, the NY thread was one of the more informative threads on the storm. That really changed my opinion on merging. I think it would work and during storms like that, I think having the two forums together would only add to the quality of discussion. Sure there will be some banter and add-nothing posts but if the mods over there are serious about cutting that crap out, then I think a merge would only better serve the discussion. There are some good posters in that sub forum and this one is certainly lacking red taggers. I just think a merge would be good for everyone on big threats, and we can keep our own thread over there for local discussion. It's at least worth a try.
  7. So we shouldn't merge Because people's egos can't handle getting shafted over snow? Please ban the people that make this an issue. Problem solved.
  8. We can always have our own thread in the nyc/philly subforum so we don't have to wade through the nyc nonsense. I just think to get more activity for our area, merging is the way to go. There would just be more visibility and more mets from the nyc area chiming in for our area. I agree that the banter in NYC is unbearable when there is a high threat(just look at the hurricane threat thread from this year). But having our own thread keeps us all together and we would get more information by combining the two forums. I miss when this place was active. I know there hasn't been much to track but there's no discussion about long range or medium range. I find myself over in other forums anyway but it stinks not really being able to post there because I'm not in that area. At this point, I'd trade some stupid banter to have actually discussions. This forum is a ghost town and I think something needs to be done as the forum is just plain boring. Right now the western forum is more active... Btw I wasn't around when Tombo and company left...what was the reason for that? It seems their forum isn't much more active either, it would be nice for everyone to get back together and get some real discussions for our area going again.
  9. i use to be adamantly against a merge as there was so much banter in the nyc threads and i would get the same amount of information in one page here compared to wading through 7 pages of fluff in nyc threads. But now i would say yes. Maybe it's because I moved to New Jersey, but this place is pretty desolate. There's just zero discussion here and I don't even bother to post most of the time because it's pointless. we have a nice crew here but there is no more quality posts here. then again i don't really care enough to have a strong opinion either way. it's a weather forum with no bearing on my life.
  10. According to dt's map I'm on the border of his 2" line and 2" line. Lol. Btw redsky dt's bullseye this winter has been more like a kiss of death this year. He's had a brutal winter.
  11. yeah in my spare time I like to keep statistics on how often some random weather website is wrong. Just calling it as I see it, if you don't agree that's fine. And what does time and effort have to do with anything. Many weenies put time and effort into forecasts, should they all be respected if they overhype every storm? Or because they have the degree, that makes it ok?
  12. I hope you didn't take that as a shot at you, just was saying that your forecasts are just as equally as thought out as an amateur, not that your opinion doesn't matter.(because you did do well with the last few storms)
  13. to be fair, they over forecast every storm and are a hype machine. They use weak meteorology to explain why a storm is going to be the worst case scenario then use the same weak meteorology to explain when they are wrong. They seriously over forecast every storm by at least a few inches, so the weenies follow him because he's the one to get their hopes up. this again is just observed over the past 5 years or so from steve d. his opinion is just as worthy as RW, difference is RW doesn't have a degree.
  14. All JB does is release broad statements that don't really mean much. That way if it happens he can claim he was right all along and if it doesn't happen he can say "well technically I never said it would definitely happen...", he used to be a good met but now he's just a hype machine that only cares about clicks on his site. I haven't seen a solid JB discussion in well over a year.
  15. does anyone have a screen cap of the cell as it approached? praying for all who were hit including JoMo. My cousin was hit by the Tuscaloosa storm and it is the worst feeling not knowing the outcome of loved ones following the aftermath.
  16. my cousin just confirmed to me that the hospital in Tuscaloosa is "destroyed".
  17. just got off the phone with my cousin who goes to U of alabama. He said his house was spared but south side of campus there is a ton of damage. he's currently helping some friends of his but said he'd send me some pics later or tomorrow. Me and him were in a F-2 together in myrtle beach, sc and he said "it's far worse."
  18. yo man of course i would just pick a hill and ill be there

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