welcome aboard! i disagree with you though about the quiet only reflecting the weather. even when hurricane joaquin was a threat this year, this board was still dead for the most part. And that was with some models showing a sandy-esque repeat. There really wasn't much discussion of it at all and honestly, the NY thread was one of the more informative threads on the storm. That really changed my opinion on merging. I think it would work and during storms like that, I think having the two forums together would only add to the quality of discussion. Sure there will be some banter and add-nothing posts but if the mods over there are serious about cutting that crap out, then I think a merge would only better serve the discussion. There are some good posters in that sub forum and this one is certainly lacking red taggers. I just think a merge would be good for everyone on big threats, and we can keep our own thread over there for local discussion. It's at least worth a try.