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The Iceman

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About The Iceman

  • Birthday 12/17/1990

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
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  • Location:
    Levittown, PA

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  1. 2.5” in Levittown, way exceeded expectations
  2. Driving back from Philly was a nightmare looks to be around 2” out there. Pleasant surprise. Should stick around all weekend too!
  3. 95 jackpot for the ivt? Wasn’t the peak supposed to be 9-2 am tonight? Radar looks great. I’m in Philly and it’s coming down pretty hard. Ground was covered in lower bucks when I left.
  4. Coming down surprisingly hard in lower bucks. Grass and colder surfaces beginning to cave. Didn’t expect anything this early. Maybe we squeeze out an inch or two?
  5. I would take anything measurable.. because right now we are tracking to finish below normal on the month temp wise with 0 snow.
  6. Wait wasn’t 2013-14 mostly clippers or am I misremembering that.
  7. Flakes occasionally mixing in at Trenton but mostly rain. At least I saw snow lol
  8. .85" overnight and this morning. People were driving like they've never seen rain before this morning.
  9. 100%, anything amped is going to be a mixed bag or cold rain for those of us in the coastal plain/95 potentially even further NW. would be prolific storm for central pa and the poconos. Weaker wave that slides underneath won’t be as prolific of a snowmaker but would be a nice region wide 2-4/3-6” storm for most.
  10. squall line overnight? https://www.tropicaltidbits.com/analysis/models/nam3km/2024112018/nam3km_mslp_pcpn_frzn_neus_11.png
  11. RGEM showing a period of snow Friday morning for just about everyone, same with the FV3. Ignore the accumulation maps but should make for some nice snow TV if it happens.
  12. I’d be happy just to see some flakes fly down this way, think there’s a decent chance of seeing that.
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