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The Iceman

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About The Iceman

  • Birthday 12/17/1990

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
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  • Location:
    Levittown, PA

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  1. Yup and to think just last Friday it looked like this week had the potential to be a blockbuster...instead just another nickle and dimer and cold/dry then who knows. This winter has been such a tease. 6 separate snow events, which is great considering we still have another roughly 6 weeks of winter chances but only 9" total. I feel like I would currently grade winter a B so far just based on the number events and the cold. It's actually felt like winter this year which is a win compared to the last few... If we can get a MECS in Feb or March, this winter would be an A in my book despite being nickle and dimed most of the year.
  2. My weather station hasn’t been saving high and low temp data since the new year and I haven’t fixed it yet so I’m not sure officially how low we got, when I woke up at 530 though it was 4F. Also crossed the Delaware River this morning in Morrisville/Trenton, and it looks to be almost completely ice covered. Will be interesting to see if any ice jam problems pop up by the end of the week with the already low water levels.
  3. Best eagles game I’ve ever attended. I know the storm was a bit of a disappointment but we still got around 3” in Levittown. Roads were a disaster coming back from the game, took a solid hour and a half to get home once we left the parking lot. I will post some pics from the game later! Go birds!
  4. Currently down in lot M! Snow has begun! Light but all snow!
  5. like the euro ai def looks like a good hit am I crazy? The reg euro wasn’t bad either.
  6. I don't look at the HRRR past 18 hours(and it's even a stretch there) so no worries there
  7. Anyone else taking the plunge and going to the game Sunday? Ticket prices have been dropping since yesterday and me and my buddy snagged a pair. Figured playoff game in Philly in the snow is not something that happens every day. I'm beyond hyped. Hopefully the storm and/or the game doesn't disappoint!
  8. Yeah I'm not gonna cliff jump based on the effing canadian suite. I'm still liking region wide 3-6" with maybe a period of sleet for 95. Think watches should be going up by this evening correct?
  9. CMC schooling the GFS EURO and ICON would be kick in the pants but I'm going to choose good vibes and be hopeful with the consensus. 3-6" with mixing possible along 95. We take.
  10. GFS/ICON/NAM/EURO vs RGEM. May 95 mix a bit for a period or change to sleet, possibly. I just don't see this being a majority sleet or rain event though for 95 still. I think 3-6" for most looks solid.
  11. I feel like their goaltending is trash this year lol They'd actually be solidly a playoff team if they were getting average goaltending. Ersson is the only NHL goalie on the team and he's not a franchise guy yet. Plays his best in a tandem 1a/1b situation. Problem is fedotov STINKS and kolosov is just not ready for the NHL yet. There's some real nice pieces though. Their other big problem is that they have no good centers. Coots is a better winger at this stage in his career, Frost is a 2C at best probably better suited to 3 C, Poehling and Laughton are both 4 C's. They really need to add 2 dynamic centers and they would be contenders. Until then they'll be in that 10-20 range based on their goaltending.
  12. .5” last night here. The penny events continue… now up to 5 events with 6” accumulation total on the season
  13. Ticket prices are going down… me and my buddy are keeping an eye on it. This pretty much a dream of mine so I’m willing to fork out some $$$ to attend.
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