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Everything posted by TXHawk88

  1. I can’t wait to hear from you when this doesn’t bust and we all finally get a good storm. When you’ve got 6 inches in your back yard. We’re less than 24 hours out from guaranteed snow we’re not getting shut out.
  2. The chances of this busting in a big way are extremely slim as we get closer. Are we getting a foot off snow? No! But the DFW region getting 3-5 inches is an extremely strong probability much better odds than us getting nothing. I feel your pain, we’ve been burned so many times in the past, this doesn’t feel like one of them. You keep trying to find the negatives, we’re all going to see some legitimate winter weather! this is hands down the best set up I’ve seen since I moved here in 2012. Enjoy it!
  3. It’s snowing in Grand Prairie, I feel confident we might pull up 1-2 inches here, radar looks decent.
  4. The 06z NAM is actually a really good run for the DFW metro, it has 2-3 inches all the way up to parts of Denton & Collin counties. HRRR gets worse every run it appears and we'd be lucky to end up with a dusting. Don't know what to trust at this point but I am not very confident, I've seen this same story play out far too many times, and it's never the ending we want. Almost that time where models are pointless and we will just need to start watching the radar and obs and see what happens. I feel the same way almost everyone else here does, it has been sooo long since DFW has a had a true "slam dunk" winter weather event that we weren't sweating until the last minute. To twist the knife just a bit more, even the Houston suburbs have had better winter weather luck over the last 5 years.
  5. Lonnnnng time lurker, first time poster. 06Z GFS on board with getting some wintery precip, into N Texas around the 20th as well. Hopefully this trend continues.
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