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Everything posted by MidwestChaser

  1. Sir, this forum is for Midwesterners/Great Lakers only.
  2. He’d be better if he wasn’t so arrogant and condescending at times.
  3. Izzi didn’t seem too impressed per the last AFD. .
  4. Don't chase if you don't know where to go.
  5. Sorry, but you can't use that word without paying @A-L-E-K royalties.
  6. I bet if you slipped @RCNYILWX a hundo, he’d start back up the snow machine. .
  7. Lmao at relying on social media for forecasts; you’d have nothing but hype snow maps 300+ hours from the event time. .
  8. Woo went from a watch to an advisory to a bust; nothing here.
  9. I don't think I'll even get rain out of this.
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