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Everything posted by tuanis

  1. Snowfall rate is either more impressive than radar would indicate or the first snowfall of the year has thrown me off. Closing in on an inch and sticking a bit to the driveway and road. I suppose this event locks in a green Christmas
  2. HRRR pushes a decent slug through here in the wee hours. With that low riding up to the Quad Cities, gonna be hard to stay dry.
  3. The warm and sunny weekend as we nailed the peak will be a fall moment I'll remember for years. 2020 had absolutely amazing color here, this year is a close second. Spent the whole weekend outside with the kids and watched the trees - oaks included - transform before my eyes as the weekend progressed. Leaping in leaf piles, bright colors raining down under a sunny sky. That's the good stuff.
  4. A snowstorm in winter or something out of season? If it's the latter, early or late? A mid-winter classic Wet snow, dry/fluffy snow, or something in between? Starts 10-12:1 to set a solid base, becomes increasingly dry/fluffy/drifty as the storm cranks Light/calm winds, or windy conditions while it's snowing? Light winds during the WAA snows, nears blizzard conditions as the low wraps up over NW Indiana and the lake starts getting involved Continuous snow, or do lulls not matter as long as amounts end up as expected? Maybe a bit of a lull before the beefy defo pivots through, but I'll skip the drizzly dry slot with columns and needles amounting to nothing 12" in 12 hours, or 18" occurring over 36 hours? 12 in 12 Bitter temperatures, or just cold enough to stick well during the storm? Again, borderline at the start, but pull in that nearby arctic airmass as the low tanks Storms on holidays/your birthday/some other meaningful day, or are dates irrelevant? I'll take what I can get, but it's been a minute since we've had a white holiday season If living in a lake effect area, would you rather have a synoptic or lake effect storm of the same amount? Slow-moving firehose off the lake to cap off a satisfying lake-enhanced synoptic big dog
  5. 7” of rain, 4 rounds of hail, somehow we didn’t flood but it came so damn close. I’m exhausted from preparing the house for water all night, and now another noisy cell pops overhead.
  6. Potent lake breeze has been eating away at any advancing precip for hours here, will be interesting to see when/if it gets overcome. Reminds me of dry easterlies delaying the onset of a snowstorm.
  7. The wetter/active pattern signal is pretty clear. Where that heavier corridor ends up over the coming couple weeks is anyone's guess at this point. Won't take much to put it over YBY.
  8. Don't most models have you getting some decent rain this weekend?
  9. Right around 4” up here. Very picturesque snowfall, super easy to clear. Milwaukee up through Sheboygan saw 5”-7”. Good to see a nice wide swath of snow accumulations for once, even if it wasn’t a major storm.
  10. It’s not the snow of the century, but this defo band has been a beaut. Took a late night hike through the thick of it. Finally.
  11. Solid rates, stackin flakes (for the moment)
  12. Looks better than it ever did for the GHD storm, which had a verrry similar orientation.
  13. With this kind of satellite presentation in the Midwest you'd expect to see an expansive shield of precip in the cold sector. This season's trends continue to confound.
  14. Could be wrong, but I think that's more a function of WAY less rain then previously forecast. Much of that falls as frozen.
  15. Those plumes were consistently dumping 10”-18” on Waukegan even as the GHD storm was underway. We got maybe 2”.
  16. I know the owner of the building so I reached out to make sure he was aware his building had collapsed and was burning to the ground. The tenant is a document storage company, not many employees on site. The owner said he hadn’t heard of any casualties or injuries.
  17. That radar makes it look like something exploded in Bartlett. Looks like Brewster Creek Business Park. That's mostly warehouse/distribution/food users though. Edit: Edit: https://twitter.com/search?q=bartlett fire&src=typed_query&f=live
  18. Meat of the band impacting Racine/Kenosha counties at the moment, but still doesn't look all that impressive. Getting steady snow globe action up here and it's blowing around a bit, but not amounting to much. Looks nice anyways.
  19. Lake snows starting to accumulate on I-294 near Des Plaines
  20. So ready for FlurryFest. I hope the flakes are really tiny. Good luck to those on the cusp of a dog. Hope everything works out and this thing delivers.
  21. This thread is COOKIN’! Forgot what that is like. The trend is our friend in Chicagoland. This all feels so familiar, love this sh*t even if we don’t jackpot.
  22. Just got a notification for a winter storm warning. I wasn’t really paying attention to this. Maybe a surprise? Doubt it.
  23. Finished with about 5 fluffy drifty inches here. Not what could have been, but sure looks nice and should stick around.
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