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Everything posted by tuanis

  1. Big fluffy flakes up here. Really doubt tomorrow night comes together like some of the models are showing.
  2. So if you get 4” and it compacts/melts down to 2.5” by tomorrow AM... is that a win?
  3. It’s a tough walk to the front door.
  4. Just shoveled the walk out front. Maybe it’s because I’ve gotten used to snow on top of a layer of liquid, but this is a pretty powdery dry snow. Definitely not the 8:1 ratios mentioned earlier in the thread. Sucks that it’ll rain on top of it.
  5. Closing in on 4”, blowing around pretty good, solid flake size. Forgot what this looks like.
  6. Kinda surprised at the amount of snow on the ground up here in Lake County vs what had accumulated down by O’Hare. Closing in on 3”. Granted my drive home took ages.
  7. Bit bigger than pixie at work in Rosemont. Will probably clear my driveway late tonight before the junk > flash freeze.
  8. I'm sure those "followers" would be more than happy to disagree with him, but Alek the Contrarian has made a realistic call on this one.
  9. Fully expecting 1.5" of snow/sleet followed by drizzle > into the freezer for the weekend. Tips of grass blades won't get covered. This forum will be a giddy place when we finally get a solid snow threat with no risk of mixing/garbage.
  10. We’ve had on and off flakes since I woke up (aka the kids woke me up) this morning. At times it has actually looked pretty legit. It’s still only accumulated about an inch on the grass. Whatever happens this evening, I’m just glad we didn’t get the ice.
  11. I think the graphics they just released really nail what to expect and when. Meanwhile, torching at 52 here.
  12. Plenty of blowing and some drifting this morning. It looked like a January snowfall and felt like one too. Pretty impressive to have steady snow at 21 degrees in early November. There was about 3" down when I left for work. Tollway was pretty snowpacked the whole way to Rosemont.
  13. Sounds about right. Accumulations on the grass up to an inch or so just to set the scene. LOT has handled everything nicely.
  14. All liquid in this band up here. Plenty of trees still loaded with leaves, some still green so I’m glad October climo won this round.
  15. Really hoping for a snow globe effect while the kids trick or treat and no appreciable accumulation for that reason alone. I don't want to be losing tree limbs or being out there knocking snow off my more sensitive landscaping. These early/late season sloppy cake jobs have been commonplace the last few years up here and are a real PITA.
  16. I think there was only one year that didn't record a 90-degree day - 1875... the period of record on the table states that it goes back to 1871 for Chicago, so that would apply. Good call on 2012. Wasn't '95 a big year for 90-degree days as well?
  17. So the NAM wasn’t really out to lunch. I don’t discount its further north depictions in the mid-range, even in winter.
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