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About tuanis

  • Birthday September 17

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  • Four Letter Airport Code For Weather Obs (Such as KDCA)
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  • Location:
    Libertyville, IL

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  1. Looks like DVN will finally saturate shortly before the back edge moves through. Going to be fighting dry air for awhile methinks.
  2. Ended up with a bit over 4” and busted out the snowblower. It’s a beautiful snow - the fluff that fell last night is pure powder and made it super easy to clear. I love a cold snowstorm with temps well below freezing and can’t stand the wet stuff.
  3. Little weenie band moving in, will probably end up a bit over 3”. At least it’s something and maybe the weekend can add a few more
  4. Pretty good rates atm, grass blades still visible. Closing in on an inch.
  5. A sampling of today’s quality of flake. This would stack up nicely, but rates are mehhhh at this point.
  6. Turd duster up here but the kids are out shoveling the neighbors' drives and making dough anyways. We're more pushing pennies than nickle and diming at this point. It's been chilly though.
  7. Snowing good out there rn, but this thing’s definitely swinging north of the cheddar curtain for awhile. I’ll pick up an inch easy before it clears, though.
  8. Temp has bumped up to around freezing and rates have dropped off - we’re probably done accumulating. Unscientific slant-sticking technique yields around 4” including almost an inch last night. Great kickoff to winter! Gotta love dogs in snow.
  9. Nice to have a cold column and surface temps for once. Felt like every event last year was a drippy slush fest. I know that’s going to change this afternoon, but dammit I’ll enjoy it for now.
  10. Stacking efficiently out there. Pretty sweet first event!
  11. The morning after. Amazing what a few inches of wraparound higher ratio fluff can do.
  12. After melting and compaction almost all day we’re finally accumulating again
  13. Light rain under lighter returns. Big globs of garbage falling off the trees and splashing in puddles. Good times.
  14. This stuff is as wet and heavy as anything ive ever cleared. Nasty slush and the snowblower is struggling. We can’t seem to get a nice cold snowstorm anymore.
  15. All sleet now. Got around 5” this morning but melting pretty quick.
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