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Everything posted by JerseyWx

  1. Apparently some people are stuck on this idea that summer was an ice age. I don't get it.
  2. And if this were winter with extreme cold departures everyone would be drooling and going nuts, not discounting it as a couple cold days.
  3. But I'm referring more to the "it's September now so it won't feel that hot," narrative and the whole idea that a stretch of +10 temps in the 90's aren't noteworthy.
  4. Why is everyone so against heat all of the sudden? A heat wave is pretty significant in September if it verifies, and we have the potential to rack up more 90's than we did in August.
  5. I mean we've had warmth right into October. September we've had legit heatwaves...2015 wasn't long ago.
  6. Yeah I think people are over-blowing how cool this summer has been. Is it as bad as some recent years? No, but you'd think we're in a mini ice age over here.
  7. Pretty good rain overnight, enough to wake me. About .70 from that, and an inch yesterday makes for almost 2 inches which isn't bad considering it didn't actually rain for all that long.
  8. Got an inch from that. Really downpoured for awhile.
  9. Cell came out of nowhere and it's absolutely ripping here.
  10. Man we have a ton here. I was trimming a tree today and there were several on 1 branch alone.
  11. Exactly. I actually like warmth and AN temps until Halloween. After that I understand winter is going to be arriving.
  12. I hope it stays that way. So nice seeing deep blue skies again and the mountains in the distance aren't hazy.
  13. Yeah we didn't use the AC once in June, which I'm not sure has happened before. Pretty crazy how today feels though. Not only low dews, but 50's tonight. You could convince me it was the first week of September if the calendar still didn't say July.
  14. Down in Wildwood currently, a little inland the dewpoints are 80 lol. Pretty oppressive to say the least. The seabreeze helps closer to the shore.
  15. Depends, August can be just as bad, look at last year. Even September 2015 comes to mind.
  16. Ton of thunder, lightning, and heavy rain woke me around 5am. Got about 0.61" total so far.
  17. Another inch here today. Had some ripping downpours about three different times.
  18. Yeah hope it stays that way. I was just mentioning yesterday how it's been pretty bad timing on the weekends.
  19. Since midnight about 1.75" here, got slammed during the early morning hours with some good rain and heavy thunder. I gotta say, this mediocre weekend trend has gotten old fast. I think this is the 6th weekend in a row that was either overcast or had heavy storms. Most of Northwest NJ and into NY state has had plenty of rain at this point. I love tracking convection in the summer but we need some longer breaks in between to alleviate the flooding concerns.
  20. Pulled the pool cover off and got rained on at least 4 times minimum. Sucky day with unpredictable pop up storms.
  21. Had some heavy downpours that amounted to 0.40" here.
  22. Approaching 4.50" here. Just an insane day. There were at least half a dozen bursts of heavy downpours throughout the day, but between 4:15 and 5ish we just got absolutely hammered. Definitely up there with some of the heaviest rain I've seen. Still a ton of moisture headed up this way...kind of hoping the next few days are misses IMBY because the local flooding will just get worse.
  23. Already .50" since midnight. Have a pretty good batch overhead currently.
  24. Weird being socked in with fog this time of the year. Can barely see 50 yards down the block. .25" of rain today.
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