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Everything posted by JerseyWx

  1. Thankfully real Fall is still 3 weeks away Must've been the Thundercat or Silver Bullet? Both are nice but it's a hit or miss if you see Dolphins.
  2. Honestly it seems as if the forecasts are never nailed down more than a few days out anymore. I've gotten screwed several times this year where things looked decent and I had planned something. I know convection is harder to pinpoint but we had a fair share of busts there as well earlier in the summer.
  3. Crazy, although not surprising about November I guess based on warming trends.
  4. I feel like we've been in this back and forth for awhile now. Happens every season. The last consistent pretty nice fall I remember was 2021. BTW, @bluewavedo you have any stats on where Fall 2021 fell in terms of top 10 warmest? I know October was pretty amazing, must have been at least +5 AN unless I'm mis-remembering.
  5. Quick half inch here. Heavy downpours and a little breezy. Nothing like last week, but a bit unexpected if I'm being honest.
  6. I never knew so many people had such a hatred for summer and nice weather until I joined here lol.
  7. Didn't know they did these outlooks for anything but winter. I think crisp and unsettled is a pretty safe bet for fall in the northeast lol.
  8. Yeah if it was cloudy and rainy like with Debby last week, it's less of an outlier, but with blue skies in the mix, this felt strange today.
  9. Yeah it's all money. The amount of hype over when Fall menus are coming out, or when pumpkin flavored everything will be available is almost laughable.
  10. 3.5" today with a bit more to come it looks like. Gotta admit that was the most worried I've been during a storm in quite awhile.
  11. WOW this storm is serious business here. I think we have a spin up trying to get started. I mean MAJOR rain and rotational wind, tons of lighting and thunder cracks.
  12. Doesn't look like much as of now. Very light sprinkles. I think tomorrow is the day.
  13. So with 1.5" today, my weekly total going back to last Friday (8/2) is right around 7.5", talk about a substantial dent to the drier pattern. Definitely looking forward to a drying out period with some sun again. Grass has made a major comeback and is as green as ever this year.
  14. .50" here with a damn near all day light rain, with heavier pockets mixed in. Glad we avoided the trouble of big totals, especially after Tuesday. Very surprised at how the lawn turned around. Haven't watered once this year and I had some pretty burned out areas. Looks like a golf course now lol.
  15. Seems to be happening in NW Jersey currently. Hopefully it holds steady.
  16. I believe it. I was in Wildwood Crest for a few days and you literally had to cross a mini ocean on the beach to actually get to the water.
  17. Big uptick in Katydid's tonight, a bit early still. One of my favorite sounds alongside the crickets when sitting outside on warm summer nights. Today was a transition day, tomorrow looks like the lowest dews before they increase a bit for the weekend.
  18. About 0.8" here, can't complain. Very little wind, which is good, and some decent boomers. Definitely a nice stretch coming up.
  19. Pretty insane parts of the city are still at or above 90 at this hour. Dogs days are here for sure.
  20. About 0.40" here. I'll gladly take it to liven things up, but nowhere near what could've been.
  21. Talk about a horribly modeled wet weather week, at least for my area. Every day busted terribly and today was an extreme disappointment with literally nothing to show.
  22. I know, I was saying it more tongue in cheek, because it just shows the irony of how people who root for one thing get upset when others root for the opposite.
  23. Yeah it definitely is. Usually they come out after my birthday in early August, and then you start hearing them more alongside the crickets too.
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