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Everything posted by JerseyWx

  1. Loud cracks here and it's a deluge.
  2. Lmao, it's not even summer. You're going to be waiting awhile.
  3. I'd be fine with that, so long as it's more of a dry heat. We really only have 3 core months of heat- June, July, August. Spring is just cool and grey as of recent, with some bursts of warmth here and there.
  4. Not sure about you, but the gnats are a problem too. I've been bit up pretty bad so far, but they're all from those tiny things. All of a sudden there's a pinch and some blood, forget about the itching. Even some anti-itch cream barely helps.
  5. I really hope after this weekend, as we enter June, that the summer weather arrives and stays for good. I don't mind rain, but several days of gray in the 50's/60's is terrible.
  6. Downpouring currently. Hardest rain yet. Figures NEXRAD is down for maintenance.
  7. Gorgeous today, don't think you can get much better. Wouldn't mind a hot and dry (humidity wise) summer.
  8. That's interesting actually. This time of year would probably have the highest DP depression on average since it's typically dry warmth.
  9. Wow, 9 times (or 6 April's) over a span of 70 years is impressive.
  10. But then Easter through next week look amazing, sun and warmth.
  11. Yeah I should have kept better records, though I know it got warm sometime around those years.
  12. And was it April 2012 or 2013 that featured some heat here?
  13. It's only for one day, not like we are torching for weeks on end. 50's and 60's are back starting this weekend. It's a nice treat for us to briefly enjoy.
  14. I think 17-18 was better tbh. This year was really saved by 3 weeks in February. No snow in March is disappointing too.
  15. Cause it's been SO dry recently. Wait till tomorrow and Friday.
  16. Still haven't yet, I swear it gets later every year.
  17. Definitely agree, and it's amazing how 02-03 was on par with this year for Dec. and Feb. but at least back then we had spring snow.
  18. I'm actually surprised that the snow just shut off after February. Very odd like others have mentioned to have such a poor January and March. Watch us get a good April storm lol.
  19. Usually May is our ticket to good weather. March is when we get a hint of some warmth (next week for example) and April is the transition. I agree though, spring has tended to be a damp and cool season for us with brief warmups as of recently. Fall is the opposite, a continuation of summer like Bluewave has mentioned.
  20. Right but "snow melt " in general doesn't include massive snow piles, those are artifically created and 10+ feet in some cases. It's understood those will be around long after the grass is bare.
  21. Do you actually think he means the snow melted down to .33"? That's the LE dude.
  22. Yeah our driveway is literally spotless after shoveling it. Once you expose the blacktop/pavement/concrete any snow disappears quickly.
  23. Yeah I just measured an additional 1.5" so 5.5" total for me
  24. Yeah ever since then it basically shut off. Getting icy now though. This stretch we've been in has really given us the most "deep winter" feel in quite awhile. This is going to be one of those Springs that really feels as though we are thawing out after the winter freeze.
  25. Exactly 4 inches here. @ForestHillWx @rgwp96 Freezing drizzle now, very slick.
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