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Everything posted by jacindc

  1. My dream of having a bed of phlox spilling out through my fence has finally been achieved. (There's a row of brick running below the bottom of the fence that gives a touch of added height.)
  2. (Apologies for the one-upping) I saw them in the fall of 1984 in Gainesville, FL on the Reckoning tour, a free outdoor show with the dBs opening. Huge part of my life.
  3. Thank you @vastateofmind and @mattie g ! I'll post more pictures as various things flower. I had a landscape architect design it, so I can't take much credit, but I did dictate a lot of the planting choices.
  4. The bump was actually a condition set by the city's arborist to approve the permit. Had to go out that far to avoid cutting any roots bigger than (I think) 2" around. But it turned out really well.
  5. Oh, my yard is so happy with all of this rain right now.... Re: lighting, I had my front yard completely renovated in summer 2019, and while the whole thing was extremely pricey, I am so glad I had wired lighting put in. Kind of hard to see it in this pic, but... (lights along the path and around the little patio close to the house, and up-lighting under the birdbath and the two service berry trees.
  6. It's a USGS map, so I'm imaging it has more to do with fault lines and tectonic plates than geography.
  7. Big flakes and lots of them on the Hill.
  8. Yes, definitely has gotten darker here on the Hill in the past few minutes.
  9. I used to live on Western Avenue! My profile pic was taken there. Unfortunately, we tended to have DC weather and not MoCo weather.
  10. DC upgraded to ice storm warning? https://forecast.weather.gov/showsigwx.php?warnzone=DCZ001&warncounty=DCC001&firewxzone=DCZ001&local_place1=2 Miles ESE Washington DC&product1=Ice+Storm+Warning&lat=38.8814&lon=-77.0057#.YCgjeGhKiUk
  11. It now appears to be raining snow on the Hill.
  12. Steady rainfall on the south side of Capitol Hill.
  13. I remember -4 when the Ice Winter of 1994 swung into gear. There were rolling brownouts.
  14. It's a snow globe outside on Capitol Hill. Definitely picking up. Pretty!
  15. If that could drop about 20 miles, I'd appreciate it.
  16. Being lazy ends up having some benefits. (Capitol Hill.)
  17. I literally gasped. It's like the final scene of Season 2 Mandalorian.
  18. Southern Capitol Hill has been deflaked. Now a mix of some sort. But it was a nice surprise to see the snow that did come down sticking almost immediately.
  19. Now seeing flakes on the south side of Capitol Hill. (ones falling from the sky, that is.) Had been sleet but is now fairly fluffy.
  20. Speaking of the crazy weather coming to Denver and environs, I am in northern Wyoming right now and would actually love to stay to see the snow on the mountains here on Monday/Tuesday, but my dad insists we get out of here ahead of it, so.... Anyone want to do some forecasting for the best way to drive back to DC from northern Wyoming? Can leave anytime starting early on Labor Day/tomorrow. My preference is to take I-90, but looking at the GFS and the NAM I'm not sure how far across South Dakota we can get before the precip starts drifting in. Could instead start off southeastward to I-80 and make it across Nebraska in dry weather, but the stuff around Iowa on Tuesday is vexxing me. Should I dip further south into Missouri? Or will the Iowa stuff be more spotty in the morning on Tuesday (would probably be into Illinois by noon, maybe?) Actually now wishing we could get out of here today because the smoke from the Montana fires has started pouring in, and even inside I'm already coughing. It's a paradise out here, I tell you!
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