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Everything posted by jacindc

  1. @Chinook What ratios would you generally use for snowfall out in these parts? (Wyoming, Colorado, etc) Looked like your post earlier this week was using a range of about 10:1-15:1? I know Kuchera maps are called clown maps for a reason , but I was wondering if they handle things better where precip type is not much of an issue. Thanks for helping me get up to speed on an entirely new climate!
  2. I hate mentioning the snow I'm getting out at the Home on the Range, but after CWG retweeted a video I posted of the serious blowing snow I had yesterday, the Weather Channel contacted me and they've shown it a few times on the air today.
  3. Looks like next week could be interesting in WY, MT, and the Dakotas. Models have been sniffing something out for the Feb. 22-ish time frame since it came into the long-range GFS.
  4. I have a plane ticket for Wednesday that goes DCA-ORD-DEN-SHR. Except I'm already in SHR (long story) and kept the ticket on the hopes that maybe bad weather would allow me to cancel it and actually get my points back instead of just a voucher. So, I'm rooting for you, Denver!
  6. Finally got my big snow here in Big Horn WY. [emoji1783] I didn't set up a board, but I think we're close to a foot and it's still coming down. (An observer a couple miles from here reported 13.4", though they might have a smidge more elevation and are closer to the mountain.) Upslope ftw.
  7. I've finally got a storm to track out here at my Home on the Range, but I have to say it's nowhere near as much fun without you guys! (there's not a big Wyoming contingent over in the other forum--ie, no one). Also, I'm finally learning about orographic lift and upslope snow after years of zoning out any discussions of it.
  8. My strategy of heading to the high plains at New Year's to get buried in snow has not yet worked. Some still left from the pre-Christmas blizzard, at least, and the mountain looks pretty. I'm stuck rooting for 256-hr storms like everyone else right now.
  9. @ChinookAny chance this storm will nudge further north than progged? I'm up near the WY-MT border near Sheridan and it looks like I'll be fringed unless the track reverts to what it had been forecast to do a few days ago.
  10. Currently -21 on my patio in north central WY.
  11. How are we feeling about mid afternoon flights into DCA from Florida on Friday? Elderly father arriving, and I have to pick him up and drive him to Bethesda. Even if he arrives, I fear a Carmageddon scenario on the roads.
  12. I had never seen that image before this week--seeing it now for my Wyoming forecast. -22 once the front arrives and the snow starts Wednesday evening, and a "high" of -10 on Thursday. (though then it taunts the area with "Rain and Snow" and a high of 44 on Christmas Day. Seriously??)
  13. Got a three-day blizzard underway out at the Wyoming homestead, making the tracking of the Thursday morning threat here a lot more bearable. Not going to cash in as much as the Wyo/SD border areas probably will, but I'm still expecting well over a foot, with 7-8" already down. Nearby traffic cam on I-90, which I imagine isn't going to stay open too much longer.
  14. This works for me, though it'd be better if I were actually in Wyoming right now.
  15. Me, Dec. 1: I'll hit the road to WY as soon as there are three consecutive decent driving days weather-wise, since there's never much snow in the DMV in December. Me, post-18Z: Or.... (am going to enjoy watching the big blizzard heading to the northern plains tomorrow in the meantime, though!)
  16. I was just talking with my family about Christmas '83 last night. We had driven up to NYC with another family to see a matinee, and hit quite a snowstorm on the northern Jersey Turnpike on the way back, a huge traffic jam of cars getting stuck on snow and ice. My dad and his friend had gotten out to push the car, having my 20-year-old brother take over the driving, and once the car got going, my brother didn't want to stop, leaving my dad and his friend screaming at him, and in the midst of that an 18-wheeler started sliding and jack-knifing right next to us, and brother managed to thread the needle between that and the cars in the other lane. Happy holidays, indeed!
  17. I was at work, listening to WTOP as they'd try to catch up: "1 to 3 inches expected... 2-4 inches expected.... 4-8 inches expected...."
  18. jacindc

    Winter 2022-23

    Meanwhile, out at the other homestead, a lovely vista and an overnight low of 12 degrees. (and it looks like a pretty big storm might be coming next week) Next best thing to being there is full-screening the video and pretending I'm looking out the window. I've finally figured out how to make DC winters bearable!
  19. Winter storm warning up in my (Wyoming) neck of the woods today, though alas I've now returned east until after the holidays. Getting very addicted to road conditions camera feeds! Looks like it's made it down to about 4,500 feet, but I think it's mixing now at my place at 4,000 feet.
  20. I arrived back in DC on Friday about an hour before the rain started. After 14 weeks in Wyoming where I saw maybe an inch of rain tops over the entire time, I feel like I'm growing moss.
  21. I'm sure that some graphic artists could come up with a way to shade around the cone to show the potential breadth of impacts. (Which would then perhaps have shown more clearly a larger impact to the southeast of a land falling hurricane.) I know they do more now with surge forecasts, etc., and they repeat "don't focus just on the cone," but it's pretty clear that that's not good enough. They need a one-glance representation of potential level of impacts based on possible forecast deviations. (And no, not with a Sharpie!)
  22. ... and live in manufactured homes or mobile homes.
  23. There's also the matter of how much expense the building codes add to the cost of a home, which is clearly an issue when you see how many people of fewer means are living in those developments that are just row upon row of manufactured houses. The fact that more homes on Sanibel withstood the surge (or at least their frames did) is as much a statement about the financial status of the owners as anything. The working class residents in SW FL are going to be the ones who really end up losing, because you can be sure that affordable little cottages and new manufactured home developments won't be high up on the rebuild priority.
  24. Sanibel is gonna be in baaad shape.
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