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Everything posted by jacindc

  1. Skies just opened up on Capitol Hill, huge downpour. Sun is almost out, though.
  2. Sun already back out after the DC storm, which was fading by the time it got to me on the Hill.
  3. And in the meantime, those cells just keep coming right over my house. Can't imagine what a swamp my backyard is.
  4. Pouring rain and bright sunshine on the Hill right now. Reminds me of summer sessions in college in north central Florida, where it rained every day at 4 pm and often with the sun out.
  5. Ditto on Capitol Hill. Sun is almost out, but it is just POURING.
  6. I had hail the size of whatever is one step up from pea sized on Capitol Hill. Jawbreaker size, I guess.
  7. Yes, sorry, I had meant that the big change in temps I was seeing is Thursday to Friday. I'll go back into my corner and cross my fingers until then. Thanks.
  8. If tomorrow is a big show, will that lessen the chances of another big show on Thursday? (worried about an outdoor event Thursday evening) Never a good sign when one day's forecasted high is 93 and the next day is 82.
  9. Cloudburst just popped up right over SE DC/Nats Park. .
  10. Just walked to the Eastern Market subway station and the precip was definitely pinging on my umbrella.
  11. As a longtime resident of Capitol Hill, I will always take the under on a changeover to sleet/slop. But hope springs eternal.
  12. I didn't measure earlier today, but I've got 8 inches on the trash cans and 2 inches on the sidewalk that I shoveled at 4pm (and that caved immediately).
  13. The fool's errand of trying to capture snow in progress, but maybe you can see.
  14. Puking snow on the Hill by the SE Fwy. Gorgeous.
  15. Picture perfect snowfall continuing here. Big steady flakes.
  16. If that's the beginning of the pivot line on radar, it can just stay right where it is right now, thankyouverymuch. Fatties falling on the Hill.
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