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About Phelps

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    Charlotte (and sometimes Beech)

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  1. Marginal temps, NAM barely onboard, Eric Webb tweeting about warm noses… what’s not to love! I’m sure we will get cancelled school and no snow. Whoops is this not the sanitarium?
  2. I'm a little late here and I know all eyes are on tomorrow but yesterday was a beautiful morning on Beech . The event didn't really play out as I was expecting (ended up being less sunday PM, more monday AM) but in the end we got probably 3-4 inches. https://imgur.com/a/aQgmwQU
  3. Started snowing around noon on Beech. Snowed pretty good all day and I thought we were winding down when I went to sleep but I was wrong. We got several more inches overnight. It's 2 degrees and gorgeous.
  4. Brad loves snow. It’s his job to tell reliably people if it’s going to snow or not and most of the time it’s not. You can tell he’s basically just worn out from having to answer for clown maps that break containment.
  5. Maybe the NAM won't be right next time but the one showing the biggest warm nose will be. I hate to sound whiny but it's just been that way over and over for Charlotte. It's disheartening.
  6. Closer to town, we've got something on the spectrum between a heavy flurry and a snow shower.
  7. Someone had a manifesto back in the old days and part of it was something like "take the warmest model and assume it will be warmer"...
  8. This was indeed correct. Hammertime on Beech.
  9. I'd love if we could get a decent little thump of snow Wednesday. It's going to be frigid late week so might as well have some snow on the ground. Some model runs are showing it but others not so much. I know the mountains will have our chances, it's just back to life, back to reality for me after the first week of Jan.
  10. 21 and steady snow on Beech. I feel like we're already at the upper end of my expectations with lots of time left. And it's November!
  11. I just drove that. It's quiet up here. There's a flagger on Beech Mountain Parkway because they are working on the shoulder but it's quick to get through. I imagine that work will stop when it starts snowing. Ski resort opens next week so people are coming one way or another. Come on up and spend a couple bucks at Freds. Hopefully we get a nice little event out of this.
  12. I really don't mean to contribute to any kind of back and forth on the topic but I can tell you that what I'm seeing on the news (MSM) are stories of devastation in the area, stories of amazing acts of courage and bravery and service by those that live in there, and an outpouring of support from outside the area in terms of donations. This is a catastrophe, people need help, and the death toll will rise. I've not seen anyone say or imply those facts are a conspiracy. I'm sure there is more help needed and it's needed faster than it's coming. I hope that happens.
  13. Dewpoints are in the 50s today. I think I'd take this over almost any air temp with DPs in the 70s. (of course that is coming back soon enough)
  14. Kind of a repeat today. No hail thankfully but it was just a wall of water leaving Ashville early this afternoon.
  15. If the models show a good look but you just assume everything will be bad 1.)you are most likely right BUT 2.) why are you here? We all commiserate when things don't work out for us (and they haven't been working out) but if "winter is over" then this forum is of no use to you.
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