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nw baltimore wx

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Everything posted by nw baltimore wx

  1. Yes, I think they did. I like my picks (all below 100) but I wish I remembered BWI’s recent tendency to be the warmest because of the asphalt expansion.
  2. Boundary pushing west across 95 now. Storms firing up east of there.
  3. Scraped to the north yesterday and today looks like a scrape to the south.
  4. Btw, I sent the control panel build to your email.
  5. Can no one respond to this stuff, please, and just ignore it?
  6. For all the cool season grasses, browning is its way of saving itself. For most of us, it’ll all green up in the fall, so I’ll enjoy the mid season break from mowing.
  7. No way that storm makes it here. It looks like it’s already drying up.
  8. Frankly, I’m surprised the percentage isn’t even higher.
  9. If you’re anything like me, as soon as you cross the bay bridge, you won’t care.
  10. Siberian October snowpack, solar mins, sunspots, the Farmers Almanac, wooly bear caterpillars, wildfire smoke, Jebman apocalypse, La Niña, tripoles, and aliens… We just don’t know.
  11. It’s not a company. Just a build. I bought all the components from Auber instruments. And all brewery stuff from online brew shops and used from where I work.
  12. You're talking Greek, but yes, RTD
  13. Kettles and the recirculating coil in the HLT. There’s a sparge arm in the mash tun. I don’t have the two heating elements yet for the HLT or boil kettles, but I have instructions on how to make them. Though my guess is I’ll buy them pre made. Putting together the control panel is saving me a lot.
  14. Completely new. I still have the five gallon system but this will allow me to do 10 or even 15 gallon batches. All of this started because I got a great deal on three 20 gallon Blichman kettles. Then I thought, “Well, if you’re going to have these, then you’re going to need…” Of course by the time I’m done, I’ll probably have spent a small fortune, but that’s what hobbies are for. Besides, I’ve had a part time job in addition to my “real” job all my life, so I’m not going to feel bad about tossing money around. By the way, it was @losetoa6 that put in the 240, 30 amp breaker for me in the garage. I did the grunt wiring but I don’t play with electrical panels.
  15. How about I bring down to the shore and you wire it! I’ll post pics of the tank setup. Basically three 20 gallon tanks, one HLT, mash tun, and boil kettle. HLT controls mash temp.
  16. Yep. PID's for the hot liquor tank and mash tun. Don't ask me anything technical. I'm just following instructions.
  17. I’ve finally got around to working on the control panel for the new electric brewery here at the house. Still a long way to go but making progress.
  18. I wonder what we’d have to sacrifice to get the kind of extreme cold and duration here next winter that compares to the heat in the west this summer?
  19. A trace here earlier, and now I’m pinning my hopes on the storm entering MD from my northwest via route 140.
  20. Triumph apparently has a cantaloupe profile. Good stuff for my breakfast !
  21. Spending the morning canning this stuff. It’s a nice DIPA. I don’t think I’ve ever had Triumph hops before.
  22. @MN Transplant Thanks for posting that map above. https://hwp-viz.gsd.esrl.noaa.gov/smoke/#
  23. Still overcast here but maybe some of it is smoke? It’s a different look than “cloudy.”
  24. I’m glad that you mentioned it because it seemed like suddenly the days were getting way shorter, but the gray pall must be smoke.
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