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nw baltimore wx

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Everything posted by nw baltimore wx

  1. Just curious, but how long does it take you drive out to your spot in Garrett county? I’m finally in a position to start thinking about a little spot out in Canaan but I worry whether I’d get out there enough.
  2. You probably would have nailed it if you hadn't spent time mopping up the thread.
  3. My ignore list is long too. Of course, @psuhoffman is correct about people engaging in dialog, so I get to see just about every post anyway when it's quoted.
  4. I’m okay with Redtails and that’s not happening either. Of course, who knows what the name will be when the Eagle fans that fell on Sunday end up owning the team.
  5. @high riskwas all over that this morning.
  6. I was joking, but hang on. I’ll find where it was and direct you.
  7. Give him 2” and he’s a bitter jackass. Now get off my lawn!
  8. I’m surprised it didn’t come north, but just fine with what it is showing.
  9. This is the first time playing fantasy football and I’ll admit that I had fun, but I don’t take it very seriously. How can you? I have almost as little control over what happens to my team as I do controlling the weather. Crap like AB is a crazy example. My gf lost the championship of one of her leagues by one point because she played him. Ironic that it cost her $333 too.
  10. After one too many whiskeys, I woke up this morning so happy to discover that I didn’t drunk post. And then I checked my fantasy football team score to be sure I locked up 3rd place, and Boswell scored 17 points! Wth? I lost by three! If I had seen that last night, I would have been dragged out of here by a bouncer!
  11. @Lowershoresadness says it’s puking in Salisbury. OC cam looks good! https://oceancitylive.com/ocean-city-webcams/castle-in-the-sand/
  12. Dude. It must be pouring there! I can’t see your post! White out! Glad you’re getting the goods! Post some pics if you can.
  13. I’ve heard that AA community hospital reported that heart attacks are way up today. Be careful, folks!
  14. Good eye! http://teekayphotography.com/contact-annapolis-photographer/
  15. I would love to give credit to the photographer, but no idea who it is. Just friends of my gf’s parents in Annapolis. edit: here’s a link to the photographer. http://teekayphotography.com/contact-annapolis-photographer/
  16. https://forecast.weather.gov/product.php?site=NWS&issuedby=LWX&product=PNS&format=CI&version=1&glossary=0&highlight=off
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