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nw baltimore wx

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Everything posted by nw baltimore wx

  1. Tonight: Old Fashioned, Martini, Mojito, Moscow Mule, Mai Tai, Gin/Tonic, Cosmopolitan, Margarita, Pina Colada, Any flavor Daiquiri. Sitting at a bar watching the sunset after a hot summer day of crabbing and drinking Natty Bohs: Mai Tai, Mojito, Pina Colada, Old Fashioned, Gin/Tonic, Any flavor Daiquiri, Moscow Mule, Margarita, Martini, Cosmo
  2. This is tough. Are we ranking these based on the eve of a giant surprise storm, or a summer day, or …
  3. I’ll gladly take that band that looks like it’s trying to set up here.
  4. Manhattan for me. Nice to have an evening at home to unwind this week.
  5. Dude. Wth? I’m not that far away! I’ll bring my cafeteria tray for sliding on frozen mud and my extra liver for a high abv malt liquor.
  6. There’s the small difference that Coke tastes good and not like watered down syrup.
  7. I'm not looking for a grade because it's late, but Scotch, Bourbon/Whiskey (Rye is better than Bourbon in Manhattans), Vodka, Gin, Hooch, Cognac, Rum, Tequilla
  8. Someone do an alcohol list and I'll play. Especially after seeing that start time map.
  9. I understand what he was trying to convey. Thanks. Did he explain it in a video?
  10. You make it sound as though you understand what he was trying to do in that map. I honestly don't comprehend all the overlapping but there must be some logic to it.
  11. I need an enigma machine to figure out that start time map.
  12. If you're really patient, you can even get the plug out at the end. Back off, Randy.
  13. Eating one now. And so easy to peel. Half the fun is getting the entire peel off in one piece, and this one is a success.
  14. I read that it's not the fruit's fault, but rather a reaction to the protein. My body thinks a protein in some fruits is pollen so it reacts. I think you can even test if it's a real food allergy by microwaving the fruit for a few seconds which can destroy the proteins. I can eat any cooked fruit, but certain raw ones drive me crazy.
  15. So would my neighbor's yappy dog, but I wouldn't eat that either.
  16. Pineapple, Peach, Orange, Blueberry, Pear, Plum, Cantaloupe, Apple, Cherry Apples and cherries make my throat and ears itch.
  17. I missed everything, but I think I’ll stop reading from four pages ago and start fresh here.
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