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nw baltimore wx

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Everything posted by nw baltimore wx

  1. I feel like this band that is on the way would be bonus snow. I fully expected the afternoon to be snizzle the whole time.
  2. Snizzle, 23, and between 3 and 4" on the ground. (take note @NorthArlington101) Trying to will that band to my west over my house.
  3. Dude, I love you, but did you read this???
  4. I don’t care if I get five posted for this, but GD you’re annoying. Read a fn AFD you pos. Apologies to everyone else. I’m at a work holiday party and apparently have had enough.
  5. I hadn't winterized the mower yet so I went out, picked up sticks, and cut the grass/vacuumed up leaves until it ran out of gas. Had to eventually wrap a strap on the safety bar because the dang thing kept running. Yard is ready though!
  6. Glad Washington pulled it out though. Really happy for Mariota!
  7. @ravensrule I never answered your question on whether I am a commodes fan. I grew up in PG county in the glory days of the franchise and Baltimore was a city way way up there. When the Senators left town I didn’t have a baseball team, but when I started working at Camden Yards in 92, I quickly adopted the O’s and eventually the city. Worked at Oriole Park for 25 years (and even the Ravens games for many years). Moved here in 2004 and have always rooted for the Ravens (it’s where I live!) but I still like Washington. There in different leagues and that makes it easy. Regarding baseball, it’s solely the O’s for me!
  8. Agree. And depending on the day, Philly game may be a snow game.
  9. I like it too. Mariota has something to play for beyond next week.
  10. With a winter storm warning, it’s a given. I am serious about that. No schools open during a warning.
  11. Zaccheaus looked like me in right field playing t-ball as a kid. Totally lost.
  12. It's like they don't start prepping for the game until halftime.
  13. For cocorahs users, don't forget to take the top and inner tube out of the gauge today.
  14. But then the cat wouldn't have a litter box.
  15. I am bored so I searched the snow totals threads and these are the storms since the January, 2016 blizzard where I reported five or more inches. I couldn't find a 2017 - 18 thread, but looking at BWI's seasonal total, I feel confident saying I didn't have anything to report. The same for 16 - 17 where no one got any warnings for snow. 5.0" on 1/3/22 5.7" for 1/30 - 2/2/21. 5.0" on 1/13/19
  16. 12/24 Mulch-topper 1/3 Another mulch-topper
  17. I’d have to look back in the old Snow Total threads, but it’s been that long for me too. I honestly can’t recall the last one.
  18. When I got there on Friday, I wasn’t sure I’d recognize you, so I looked at the photo you sent and determined where your seat was (had been, as it turns out). It was just a couple from where I was sitting. The guy sitting in what had been your seat gave me a really weird and well-deserved look when I held up the picture you sent and said, “Is that your beer?”
  19. Warnings are up for all but HoCo and northern tier. Hopefully the rest are a different warning to be issued soon.
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