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nw baltimore wx

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Everything posted by nw baltimore wx

  1. The extra syllable in Commanders is going to make the fight song awkward. Just go Red Skins and have a giant spud as your mascot. "Fight on, fight on, Spuds of Washington..." and "Mash 'em, whip 'em, let the points soar..."
  2. I can’t imagine the stress level at @North Balti Zen’s house right now.
  3. As a kid, I used to go into my mom’s at room at 4 in the morning to tell her she had to wake up because it’s snowing. Now she calls me at four in the morning wondering why I haven’t called her because it’s snowing.
  4. Damn I need a cold 8” snowstorm badly.
  5. @nj2va Beautiful! Jug Bay is awesome. I’ll be down that way in about six weeks for the yellow perch run.
  6. Put the Black Eye Susan party on your calendar. We have more drinking to do.
  7. Awesome. Almost perfect. We just have to teach you to use the back door so there no footsteps in your photo.
  8. About an inch here but nice to see the roads snow covered and icy.
  9. It’s banter but an obs from this event, so it’s going here. Such a pleasure to meet peeps from the forum. Great to meet @DDweatherman, @3dcg, @Scuddz, and always a pleasure to hang out with one of the beer aficionados @Scraff. And thank you for the beers from the crypt! I can’t wait to try them. Even with lame snow, just a great forum! Thread related, 59, buzzed, 32 degrees and snowing in Pikesville.
  10. This SOB tried to hide from us but we sniffed him out with the help of his wife. And now I understand why they are called redtags. @Scuddz
  11. I think we’re safe. Geeking out over snizzle doesn’t attract the right kind of attention.
  12. If I didn’t have to work tomorrow I’d be down there so fast. Wish I could join you.
  13. Holy crap! We are sitting at the bar and this dude comes up and starts whispering in @Scraff’s ear, “I know what you did last winter!” Its @3dcg!!
  14. @Scraffis a sissy. Small pours of the two 12.5%’ers. Amateur. And @DDweatherman almost jumped out of his seat to confront the hot-looking black dude that walked in. But it’s not @stormtracker. Whew!
  15. Or a scientist. Though I think @WxUSAF is making obs from home, so maybe he can sneak out for one.
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