It’s been pretty cruddy here for awhile. The biggest snow since 2016 for me was 6.3” on March 21, 2018, and that was mainly on grass, and gone a day or two later. Other than that, it’s been mostly nickel and dime stuff.
I read today that the state won’t even consider granting end of year waiver days UNLESS you go to school on President’s Day. I thought it was a very quick decision to make PD a make up day when it takes weeks of deliberation to get anything else done. But now it makes sense.
3k NAM starts it well before sunrise tomorrow and untreated roads would be crappy fast.
We are down in Annapolis for the evening and I’m surprised that there’s no pretreating going on. I don’t think they should be pretreating, but I’m surprised they’re not!
No one will understand what I’m saying here and that’s fine, but we are such a defensive bunch of folks.
Just an observation, but just because we think a post is pointed, it doesn’t necessarily mean that it is.