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nw baltimore wx

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Everything posted by nw baltimore wx

  1. First world problem, but does any iPad user that downloaded iOS 15 know of a way to get to the bookmarks menu directly and not have to do two clicks? Pretty damn annoying.
  2. I’d love to have winter like that. My problem is that I’d want it from Thanksgiving to March 1st. After then, I’m ready for spring.
  3. HoCo is too. We had school on Monday, Presidents’ Day as a make up. Even with that, last day is currently June 21.
  4. Pavement is just wet here but nothing is melting off of the weighted trees and power lines. I wouldn’t be surprised at all to see northern tier counties close today.
  5. Because it’s been 100 hours since the 600 hour maps were posted.
  6. Like when we tried to convert to the metric system.
  7. That headline should read that Maryland may make DST permanent instead of ending it.
  8. This looks like one of my early morning posts when I don't have my glasses near the bed.
  9. Those would get a whole lot older if they were waiting for me to pay those prices.
  10. You’re always confused. https://www.weather.gov/dvn/snowmeasure
  11. I wish it had come a couple of hours ago.
  12. Maybe some hope for us WFT’ers.
  13. An inch here and still dust falling. It must be getting close to spring because my backyard tree was covered with red berries yesterday, but a gang of robins picked it clean this morning.
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