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nw baltimore wx

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Everything posted by nw baltimore wx

  1. That reminds me of this from March 2003…
  2. I understand your disappointment with the Browns, but damn, dude. Snyder and the Commodores are Bush League compared to the Browns.
  3. Beautiful morning in the Highlands (of Ellicott City)!
  4. If you have Apple Music I could share my 80s playlist with you. Sounds like you’d enjoy it.
  5. Makes me wonder if the low water in the Bay recently has anything to do with the cargo ship that's stuck off of Gibson Island. https://www.nbcwashington.com/news/local/work-underway-to-refloat-cargo-ship-stuck-in-chesapeake-bay/2999681/
  6. With persistent offshore flow and a strong previous ebb tide out of the Bay, a Low Water Advisory has been issued for the Chesapeake Bay, the rivers, and the coastline from Chincoteague north. Expect low tide to reach below normal levels for several cycles. Right now the product is in effect from now through 7pm tonight, but it may need to be extended/reissued in later forecast updates if this flow pattern persists.
  7. 1/3/22 3.0” 1/7/22 5.0” 1/16/22 2.8” 1/29/22 1.0” 2/13/22 1.3” 3/12/22 1.1” Total 14.2”
  8. Seems like down this way the column will support all snow before any sleet. Best thing about today is that we all bailed on the 5k this morning so I didn’t embarrass myself. But it’s still early in the day so there’s still time.
  9. We are just over the 50 bridge on the west side, and yeah. It’s not below 40 for sure, but I’m looking out a window at some white globules.
  10. Waves that big would do some damage to the beaches.
  11. Yep. We do the boardwalk 5k each year. It is a shitshow and I wouldn’t miss it!
  12. Lol. It’s worse than that. Ocean City.
  13. I’m done work early on Thursday and off on Friday.
  14. I never go over there. One of the circles of hell.
  15. A heads up for the DC crew and anyone traveling on I70 today, but that truck convoy in Hagerstown is heading to the dc beltway and doing a couple of laps.
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