Since I’ve already whined my way into a biotch this evening, I’m going to follow up with this one to my neighbors.
”I’m so glad that your house is nice and cool, but I can’t even open my windows because your generator is so f’n loud and annoying.”
Also, fire trucks on resisterstown rd and the smell of a building fire. Wondering if something got struck by lightning. I can assure everyone that any rain will not put it out.
Just .02” overnight but I’ll take anything. Surprisingly, the lawn looks pretty good for the first week of August and no watering. Sorry for taking up space with two photos but I wanted to let the stray we have named Tabby Kitty get his rest so I couldn’t go outside and take a single photo.
I can’t wait to retire so that I can finally admit to myself that the only reason I look forward to summer s because I get 8 weeks off. It truly is the worst season by far.
Good news! It looks like the northern batch is going to slide to the west of me, and the stuff to the south will miss east of me.
Brown is my new favorite color.
I wish that I wanted a backyard station but I already get too frustrated with the weather. I don’t need a fancy machine to emphasize how much I hate getting no rain and too much heat in the summer, or no snow and only windy cold in the winter.