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nw baltimore wx

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Everything posted by nw baltimore wx

  1. That quarter inch total where Howard, Carroll and Baltimore counties intersect is about 20 miles misplaced to the west.
  2. I’m confused. Is this a 2 or 12 month outlook?
  3. 18z gfs says I may have to cut the hay again.
  4. It’s been up and down since last week. 3” down to 1” but seems to have settled in the 1-2” range. Gfs during the same runs has given me 2” to as little at .10” but has been better for north of 70 the last few runs. Regardless, I won’t believe it until I see it.
  5. What the 0z giveth, the 12z takes away. A lot anyway.
  6. 12z GFS suddenly likes Monday. edit: I just looked at the 0z euro and it's off it's rocker. 3" across the northern tier of MD by Wednesday morning.
  7. How many homes are you building? Don’t you have one in the Davis area too?
  8. I don’t put a lot of stock in models beyond a few days, but the 0z gfs says I can expect less than .05” of precip the next 16 days.
  9. I don’t mean to sound ungrateful but .07” isn’t going to do it.
  10. I’m behind and been caught up in my own world. Classes?
  11. Whatever is happening on the eastern shore around Salisbury is what I need at my house.
  12. Picked up .06” last night and another .14” this afternoon, but you know you haven’t had any rain in awhile if the water in your CoCoRaHS gauge is bright red.
  13. I liked the pics but I hope either the Guardians or Twins collapse the next six weeks.
  14. I just got home to a laughable .06” in the gauge, but this little lady is doing just fine.
  15. I’m in Olney and it’s pouring. Go O’s!!!
  16. I’m not sure that it will get this far but would gladly take one or two of those storms forming north of the main batch.
  17. I’m sure that the condition of your yard and my yard look very different. But mine will bounce back. It always does.
  18. Some people might mistakenly call that sleet.
  19. Being teased again. My yard could use a real soaking.
  20. Anne Arundel students finished on June 24. They go back August 29. Pathetic “summer.” On topic, nice day and fingers crossed for a thunderstorm later.
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