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nw baltimore wx

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Everything posted by nw baltimore wx

  1. All those worried about rising temps should know this happens all the time here. "A "temperature spike" just before a cold front occurs because the warm air mass ahead of the front is pushed upwards and compressed slightly as the colder air mass approaches, causing a temporary rise in temperature, often referred to as a "thermal ridge" by meteorologists; essentially, the air warms slightly due to compression as the cold front moves in."
  2. Pre frontal warm surge. edt: why does that read so creepy?
  3. Very light snow here. No mix. Not what I expected from reading other's obs, but it must bode well that even in light returns it's all snow.
  4. Very light mix here and the temp has fallen a degree or so in the last hour. 35.
  5. I never bet but I opened a Draft King account a year or so ago for the free bets. They are like Joe Camel and give you $25 free or something like that. Anyway, I lost interest real quick but went in the app yesterday just to see the odds for a Washington Super Bowl win. I had the free money still there so put $20 on winning it all at 25:1. They’re now down to 6:1. Go Commodes!!!
  6. If we win next week, see you in New Orleans!
  7. Temps always go up just before a frontal passage. The fact that they are going up now is probably good. It might mean the front is close.
  8. If the Redskins win tonight, it can rain tomorrow..
  9. I’m glad that I’m bartending today so I can overhear patrons saying the ground is too warm for snow to accumulate.
  10. I'm surprised there isn't a watch for the periphery counties along the warned counties. If the thermals are right on the globals, it would be a low end warning event. I guess it's not a big deal, but it just seems to me that having the watch and then issuing an advisory if the warning criteria is not going to verify has been the norm for years.
  11. I don’t think so. I think you got assaulted because many find you annoying.
  12. I got a new whiskey smoker kit. Way ahead of you. And why does anyone care about the rgem? We have too many models. They can’t all be pretty.
  13. I kind of think we'll get a watch too, but as a separate statement.
  14. Thanks for the disclosure. I'm not buying it until it's fixed.
  15. You had the same issue when I was a guest there way, way back! I can't recall what winter it was, but I think you walked me back there to see it. That's the same house you both operated as a B & B, right?
  16. I'm almost at the century mark of 10.0" but not quite.
  17. I'm not sure if you knew that he meant snow start time on Sunday.
  18. This storm on Sunday is our Saturday, January 30, 2010 storm.
  19. I’m sorry for your loss. It was a long time ago and I was just a kid, but my grandfather’s funeral was during a typical 2-4” DC snow and there were a lot of old folks there too. We all got through it and the snow made for a special day that my family still talks about fondly.
  20. 1971 season too. Colts went on to the AFC Championship game but Redskins lost in the divisional game (thanks, Wiki).
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