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nw baltimore wx

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Everything posted by nw baltimore wx

  1. How are the Wizards averaging 16,000 this year? I wouldn't go for free.
  2. How can any Washington fan root for the Elgses? If KC wins tonight, the season Is over.
  3. F the Eagles. F the Cowgirls. F the Giants. And F the Cardinals too.
  4. If we win this game it’ll only be because our defense scores on a mistake by Hurts, be it fumble or int, and the clock runs out. We can’t stop them.
  5. I’m thinking about all the money I’m going to save not going to New Orleans.
  6. Of course. I’m just not in the camp of “it’s been a great season.” Our defense is terrible. Has been all year. It’s been a fun year. But we have a lot of holes to fill on defense.
  7. I hate the fucking eagles. And definitely hate their fans. edit: present company excluded
  8. After I asked, I googled it and the best I could find was a dnr page on ice fishing, but it was just general information and not a source for current status. There must be a local source somewhere up there. Maybe that tackle shop on the lake, Johnnys?
  9. Just wondering but does anyone monitor ice thickness and issue statements when the lake is safe for winter activities?
  10. That looks like some nice mood flakes incoming for the northern areas. 17.
  11. I'll bet where there is any substantial snow cover that it's also squeaky.
  12. Hoco 2 hr delay tomorrow
  13. There have been light returns overhead for the past hour or so. Went out for a walk in the hopes of catching a few flurries but nada. Cloudy and 15.
  14. I’m sure the high school exam schedule is part of the decision, but yea, pretty lame to be closed.
  15. Went to bed at 9 degrees and woke up to the same.
  16. 12/24 Mulch-topper 1/3 Another mulch-topper 1/6 6.0" 1/11 1.8” 1/19 1.0” Season: 8.8”
  17. The precip just to the southwest of DC is what I've got my eye on.
  18. The roads may be a problem later. Rain and snow melt washing away salt and then a quick drop to below freezing could make for an icy mess around sunset.
  19. I can't think of a snow situation but I remember it happening several times in previous winters when people would get crazy before cold fronts. Especially midnight daily high temperatures.
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