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nw baltimore wx

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Everything posted by nw baltimore wx

  1. Picked up .51” in that first round. Give me three more of those and I’ll be good.
  2. Off to a nice start of weekend rain. First thunder and lightning of the year.
  3. They have them in Baltimore at the corner of Pratt St and the end of I 83.
  4. Well, yeah, when you have 19 yards!
  5. Damn. You all are mulch kings. I get a few truckloads a year so maybe 5 yards.
  6. Reykjavik has a Penis Museum. Sure hope they have an Irish section to make me feel better about myself.
  7. Heading into the southwest coast this afternoon and the storm is howling. Not crazy rain but the wind is nuts.
  8. Just an incredible trip. This happened a couple of hours ago.
  9. If you could make the skies clear for the next couple of nights, we’d appreciate it.
  10. I’d imagine that as a country they would treat mental health better than we do. But that’s just a guess. Last photo of the day unless the northern lights appear.
  11. This is the port of Húsavík, which loosely translates to “holy shit, I want to live here.”
  12. Sorry to keep posting but this is the most snow I’ve seen in a long time.
  13. It’s been snowing lightly since last night in northern Iceland.
  14. Probably no more arsenic that’s already in crabs.
  15. Gusty here. I just called BGE because my power is flickering in the higher gusts, but it’s not happening to my neighbors. I’m playing it safe by unplugging the computer.
  16. It’s confusing because the beltway is a loop. When you are heading home, you will take 695 East, and although you’ll initially be going east, you will be circling counterclockwise so you will slowly be turning to north to re-intersect with 95 North. A map makes it clear.
  17. No. Regardless of whether you’re traveling from the north or from the south, you’ll want east. Coming south you went “left” to go east, and coming north you’ll go “right” to go east, but that section of the beltway is the east side. Going west on the beltway would take you up my side and you don’t want that crap. Always traffic.
  18. I parked at Catholic U and rode my bike down. It’s a zoo down there. Back at CU now and watching baseball. Perfect spring day!
  19. Still dreary in Baltimore city. But I just got off work and the whiskey is brightening my mood!
  20. I slept in. You can put .63” at the nw corner of Bmore.
  21. What @Kmlwx said is great advice. Another option would be to take exit 57 onto Boston Street and cut through the city. It would of course add time, but there are some great spots in Canton, Fells Point, or Federal Hill to grab some food and get a vibe for the city. If you’re in a hurry, what @Kmlwx said is the best advice, but as much as we get a bad rap, we’ve got some cool spots.
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