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nw baltimore wx

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Everything posted by nw baltimore wx

  1. 18z looks a little better but I don’t like relying on getting under a thunderstorm to get the goods. We need a day long soaker.
  2. I’m not the superstitious type so I’ll be cleaning my rain gauge today.
  3. Another beautiful evening and sampling a new drink for summer. One lemon squeezed in a glass with some fresh basil and brown sugar. Muddle until the sugar is dissolved and the liquid is bright green. Add ice and two ounces (3 here) of gin. Shake and serve over ice.
  4. Maybe 02” here but it rained.
  5. ^^^^ Doing the same with whiskey here. I can’t get Purple Air to load on my phone. Does anyone know what the number is around Bmore?
  6. HoCo schools have now cancelled all outdoor activities through tomorrow.
  7. That post is funny in so many ways. I'll be making smoke obs all the time now.
  8. It's odd to me that it smells like a house fire and not a campfire. Not what I would have expected.
  9. Damn. That's nuts! What is your latest freeze?
  10. Second driver in the beltway crash turned herself in today.
  11. Damn. NYC live… https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=POgVGUAxNcs
  12. @nj2va said this awhile back, but it's crazy how many people feel no sense of responsibility for their actions. Driving 120 mph on the beltway and being involved in an accident that takes 6 innocent lives, and then declaring that you understand the charges but not why you're being charged is criminal in itself.
  13. I doubt that. It doesn't take anything fancy to make good homebrew these days. At the next get-together, the homebrewers should bring samples to share.
  14. It’s taken nearly two years, but it’s done! Need to put the fancy labels on, then I’ll test, clean equipment, and finally brew again!
  15. ^^^ Trying to figure out a place to get sunset pics tonight. I work at the brewery this evening, so maybe the roof?
  16. The Banner article reads like the female is on the lamb. Just conjecture on my part, but is does say, “police are looking for” her.
  17. Be careful with that. I think the UV rays can still cause damage.
  18. Climate change —> wildfires —> smoke —> less sunlight —> ice age Works for me.
  19. It’s like an eclipse here this morning.
  20. I rarely get headaches and I’ve got one now.
  21. I’ll ask the most important and burning question. How were the following winters?
  22. My two highly sophisticated temperature apparatuses say it’s 57-58 degrees this morning. Amazing on the front porch with morning coffee.
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