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nw baltimore wx

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Everything posted by nw baltimore wx

  1. For the CoCoRaHS users, I’m including todays rainfall in June for reporting purposes.
  2. I’m in north Laurel and it’s no joke. Good thing I’m at Jailbreak Brewery.
  3. How mad is @WxUSAF going to be when he finally gets rain and loses a roof?
  4. Maybe the smoke is seeding the clouds today.
  5. It’s been a long time since a system overperfomed. Fingers crossed.
  6. I’ve apparently adopted a deer. Does anyone have anything that they use effectively to keep them from eating the tops of tomato plants? Other than a gun, I mean. Does the hot pepper stuff work?
  7. If only Canadians would rake their damn forests.
  8. That’s my 2.62” at the nw corner of Baltimore. Sad to think that some of those low totals in Carroll county may be on wells.
  9. Before the rains… Post rains… Go O’s!!!
  10. Lucky I got hit yesterday because el zippo here today so far.
  11. Welcome home @WxUSAF! The rain was just waiting for you to get back.
  12. It looks like a train may be forming just west of and parallel to 95. Where’s @Ralph Wiggum and his “Choo-Choo!”
  13. Sadly, they are. Hopefully tomorrow is central MD’s turn.
  14. Third storm this evening. The breeding grounds continue to be just to my southwest. No severe here with this one, but some thunder and a ten minute downpour. Northeast of here could be a different story. About 1.10” in the past couple of hours.
  15. I’d like to apologize for my bad mood and even worse than normal posting this past week. Until pouting and whining my way to today’s storm, I was feeling a little like Clark.
  16. The second round is a nice straight down drenching where I can keep the door open and enjoy it. Molly likes it too.
  17. Always. And now another storm on the heels of the first. Love it.
  18. I think the very “worst” of it went just east of me. I heard a transformer pop in that direction. I’ve still got heavy rain and thunder but the sky is much brighter.
  19. It’s going to be close here. So far just some distant thunder and spittles of rain. eta just got warned.
  20. Just a guess, but I’ll bet they’ll do what they can to get tonight’s game in because tomorrow evening looks troublesome too. Especially with an NL team in town.
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