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nw baltimore wx

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Everything posted by nw baltimore wx

  1. It’s beginning to look a lot like winter.
  2. I was working at the brewery in Baltimore this weekend and some guy came in wearing this shirt. I thought @jonjon would be pleased.
  3. Any idea why the Ravens are abandoning the running game?
  4. Seems like the colors are a week or two ahead of recent years.
  5. Thanks for the hopeful words, albeit ones that I didn’t know. Unrelated, I’m the sponsor of a hiking club at the school I teach at, and presently my student members are on an evening/early night hike. They are making their way on a trail to an abandoned church for Halloween. Unbeknownst to all of them except the club president, I’m already at the church.
  6. I'd love to talk fall beer and food, but the first week of September I got a "cold" and bronchitis. My chest is doing better by taking Albuterol, but I'm still battling tons of congestion and an ear that won't unclog. Though the worst is that I have had zero smell or taste for over a week. And I mean nothing! By the way, I had covid last February, but with this recent illness, I've tested several times and haven't had a positive covid test.
  7. Sunrise along the west side of the Bmore beltway.
  8. Move that 30 miles southeast and we’d all be happy.
  9. Frost advisory for most of us west of the bay tomorrow morning.
  10. My O-scale train engine’s smoke fan that I set up each holiday season died last December so drove up to the fairgrounds train show looking for a repair. It’s heading to Rehoboth for the repair which is fine by me because I’ll have to go Dogfish when I pick it up in a couple of weeks. Left there and hit up Farmacy Brewery in Butler. Outstanding! And then The Peppered Pig in Butler. Omg. Finished the Tour de Butler with a pumpkin latte at the always good Velocinno coffee shop. What a day!
  11. And a few drinks. Also, buddy in CO sent these today. edit: he lives in CO but they are in Albuquerque.
  12. Man, that is so true. No doubt it’s been rough here. Other than 2016, I think my best storm was St. Patrick’s Day 2014.
  13. That's the point! Everyone was saying it was going to be stellar!
  14. I forgot about @HM in my posts above. He was very optimistic about our chances in 09-10 too.
  15. Just my two cents, but I thought 2009 - 10 was almost a slam dunk. We had so many pro and quality amateur mets in our forum ( @usedtobe, @Ellinwood, @Ender, @Ian, @Deck Pic , etc) and they were all optimistic. I am not suggesting that we don't have that quality now, but this year doesn't feel like that to me at all. The vibe that I get for this year from the quality posters (yourself included) is that we should be provided with opportunity, but whether we score or not is just a guess. For me personally, after the last several winters, I have my doubts. It feels like it's been difficult these past few years to get an area-wide warning event, and that leaves me feeling skeptical. Almost like something has been thrown out of whack and it won't ever be the same. So as much as I recognize that this is potentially the best winter pattern we may experience in a long time, until we actually have a region-wide warning event, I have my doubts. But I'll probably get a yardstick just in case!
  16. I feel like there was a lot of optimism. I seem to remember @ORH_wxman, @CoastalWx, and others from NE being in our forum a lot. There must have been optimism because I made a 39” snow stake on a snowboard early in December. And yet it still got buried in February.
  17. I haven’t brewed in awhile, but that was my favorite pumpkin clone to try to imitate. Went to Heavy Seas tonight for the first time in forever and they’re doing some big beers that are pretty good!
  18. Heading to TX for the total in spring. The shot below is from Lincoln City, OR, in August 2017 off an Iphone.
  19. Both of the Ravens losses this year were giveaways.
  20. Flowers is going to be a beast. I love how much fun he has on the field.
  21. A buddy of mine has tickets to the O’s game today but can’t use them because his kid’s soccer team refuses to lose in a tournament in PA. Debating whether I want to go. Well, debating if I want to spend that much $$$.
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