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nw baltimore wx

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Everything posted by nw baltimore wx

  1. I’m happy to be getting a break. Over 2” today and 10” the past month.
  2. My backyard is in a state that I have never seen in the 20 years I’ve lived here. If I lose my sump pump tonight, there’s no doubt that my basement floods.
  3. It’s not a good sign that there is already standing water in my backyard
  4. RadarScope precip depiction says it's snowing at Mt. PSU. edit: It also says it's snowing in Hanover and but the cam says otherwise.
  5. I’ll keep my unscientific thoughts out of the real discussion, but next Tuesday is evolving in a way that has my interest.
  6. To be fair, counties along the bay will have issues.
  7. You all can make fun of me, but this is good! And about the only thing a Kuerig makes well.
  8. Harford county is trying to trigger @mattie g. They’re closing 3 hours early tomorrow.
  9. Absolute BS. I won't be watching.
  10. Damn, dude. Are you going for the Pulitzer??? Nice write up!
  11. It’s snowing pretty good in the Patriots – Jets game, but the field is heated. Boo!
  12. Some gelatinous drops mixed in with my rain. Radar depiction is odd. Almost looks like the rain snow line is moving east. But it’s just my inner weenie.
  13. Mix of snow and sleet that tries to go all snow in the heavier stuff. Pretty slick in untreated surfaces.
  14. Yeah, not the typical cad setup. The warm intrusion is off the ocean and not from the southwest.
  15. Northern Baltimore county was added to the watch. I think that happened with this morning’s package.
  16. Mine is actually 490'. I was a couple of blocks off. Pretty sure that your latitude will crush me this weekend.
  17. I just zoomed in to the roof of my house and it's 508'.
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