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nw baltimore wx

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Everything posted by nw baltimore wx

  1. i like my beer like I like my … Wait. That’s not true.
  2. Pouring snow in Gettysburg. Roads covered
  3. Could be. It was right around then.
  4. Anyone along 83 north of Baltimore and can explain the huge flash of light that I just saw???
  5. It wouldn’t take much water to refill my backyard and do some skating.
  6. .73” and way less standing water compared to earlier in the week. Nearly 16” of rain in the past 8 weeks. Go Nino.
  7. I’m not sure that you meant me, but what I was trying to say is that the civilized world ends in Stevensville coming from where you live. I love the eastern shore. Hopefully I didn’t offend you or others. Here’s a favorite photo that I took.
  8. Nope. But you’re coming from the wrong direction. It ends in Stevensville.
  9. No. Thanks for the lesson but that’s not what I meant. And I can already tell that I am incorrect.
  10. I trust your grammar, but your rong about this.
  11. I saw the commotion around noon but I turn off of Reisterstown Rd before the intersection. I just assumed it was the typical bad Pikesville driving and an accident.
  12. @ravensrule Were you working in town today when the shooting happened?
  13. There’s a line on radar and once it got east of me, things got windy here. @TSSN+, the radar looks primed now. Uncle.
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