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nw baltimore wx

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Everything posted by nw baltimore wx

  1. Haven’t been over 20” since 15-16.
  2. Do some white lightning whiskey instead of that Chivas 18 tonight for good luck.
  3. The devils advocate in me says that if it wasn't this cold or windy we'd have a shot on Wednesday night. But it doesn't matter. I'm dying on this hill. I still think it's possible to pull off a miracle few inches of snow, so I'm going down with the ship.
  4. I was thinking about this yesterday. Growing up in central PG county, this would have been an excellent winter back then. There would have been snow on the ground for two plus weeks on the shaded hill we used to sled, and plenty cold for the shallow pond to freeze that I used to skate on. One thing very different then was that it was 100% a backyard winter. I had no idea how much snow anyone else got and just assumed it was the same all around me. I'd have loved this winter back then.
  5. You two are over-estimating the toughness of mid-Atlantic school system.
  6. Dude, just my opinion, but maybe you shouldn't read this thread. I've never gotten into this argument because a) it's the internet, and b) you are like a terrier pulling on a rag. You get triggered by this and the medium range thread, so just don't read them. It's passive aggressive to do these drive by posts and then get mad at reactions.
  7. I don’t see a problem with people posting them. The issue is believing them.
  8. The 10:1 slr because the Kuchera is always wrong. eta: though I doubt this is right!
  9. Borrowing this from the Richmond thread, but I remember how good this map looked about this far out from the last storm.
  10. And with that little statement, the line begins forming.
  11. I’m not giving up on this storm, but it is a Nina.
  12. That was a fun read. When @ravensrule is the voice of reason at 2AM, you know the circus is in town.
  13. Every time I see a Ji post quoted, a piece of my liver dies.
  14. I'll be at Cushwa at three if you want a beer.
  15. I honestly don't understand how everyone doesn't have Ji on ignore.
  16. That’s a very believable snow distribution for a Nina. It looks like the beach storms @WxWatcher007 chased years ago.
  17. I got a very real looking artificial Christmas tree this past year and I’ll admit that it’s still up! I have had friends over and they can’t believe that it is still holding its needles. I refuse to tell them why.
  18. It always flips to spring after our late February blizzards, and I approve.
  19. We’re right on the transition line so some of that is probably sleet. Let’s call it 13.4”.
  20. Thanks, but I’d still rather get the big dog and finish last!
  21. You can! It’s in Frederick. I took that picture last winter and have been holding it until the right time.
  22. We need pup and snow pics, please.
  23. 6th place but theres no way I can win, so I’m ready to move to last after our big dog next week.
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