I always wish that I had a more open and bigger space, but I know I'd still get frustrated. I'm pretty fortunate that I don't have the battle what I know a lot of you have to because of the size and openness of your domain. Considering all the varmints that I could have patrolling my yard, I'm fortunate that a few squirrels and rabbits are the worst of it. There are plenty of cats in the area that keep the mice and mole population in check, and though there are tons of deer very close by, rarely do any come into my neighborhood. We had a family of raccoons try to move in under the back porch once, but a rag soaked in ammonia drove them off quickly and they haven't been seen in a couple years. I always worry about rats because I'm so close to the businesses and their dumpsters on Reisterstown Rd, but, knock on wood, I've never seen any. Between the cats and the several foxes that patrol the neighborhood, small critters are kept in check.
But I know what you mean about the squirrels moving seeds all over the yard. There's a walnut tree close enough to my yard that I am regularly digging up saplings, and they're always in the most inconvenient places with a deep tap root that's never easy to remove. And don't get me started on the ground ivy that I have to constantly battle on the backyard perimeter...
Higher cut turf also cuts down on the opportunity for weed seeds to germinate.