No doubt the head injuries are real and it’s a huge problem for the game, but I’m with you regarding the roughing penalties. There was just another one in the Dallas Green Bay game for an inadvertent hit to the head while Prescott was scrambling
I missed the first one too and then after Mattie’s scolding, I thought maybe I had been wrong all these years. Glad to know that I have been right and just can’t read.
CoCoRaHS reports are usually recorded at 7AM so any precipitation that fell after 7AM yesterday gets recorded today. I know that the .01” that I got yesterday fell before midnight so I posted above the .14”, but my September CoCoRaHS total is .13”
I was walking barefoot through the yard today and it’s bone dry and hard as rock. I’ve been waiting over a month for a good deluge so I can aerate and overseed, but I think I’m finally going to pull the sprinkler out. Hopefully I can get it at least wet enough before early next week so that any rain with the frontal passage will soak in so I can aerate and seed midweek.
A feature on the old forum that I’d like to see here is that when you read to the bottom of a topic, there was a link that to the next unread topic that had the title. Here it just says, “Next unread topic.”
I was just looking at the 12z gfs and was not thrilled with the prospect of three frontal passages and a general inch or so of rain through the entire run.
The new format looks great except that for me, everyone’s font color is white so I can’t read anything. Should I be taking a hint that my default font color is also white?