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nw baltimore wx

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Everything posted by nw baltimore wx

  1. A snow shower here. That’s another trace bringing me up to 3 T’s this year. One more and I’m adding 4T to my total.
  2. I thought the Panic Room was the place for that. At least crummy weather poetry. eta: or crummy poetry?
  3. I think he’ll be the goalie of the playoffs.
  4. I'm not sure if you both watched the clip, but only 54 people in the 100 peep survey said spinach. I'll bet dollars to donuts that at least 40 other morons said chicken, making it a close #2 answer!
  5. I'm reaching, but hoping for enough improvements over the next few days. The panels after 132 say probably not, but definitely better, as you and others said.
  6. Weaker low into the GL @showmethesnow Jump to the coast??? eta:
  7. There may be a few from the long range thread that want to know your flight number.
  8. I’ve got some leylands to take down before spring, and with the extra space, some sod to lay. It’ll be here before we know it. Also, check the thread title.
  9. With a croissant and early morning jazz music filtering in from the Quarter.
  10. Sounds like a viscous cold front is rolling through right now. 65 this morning down to 50 this evening. Brrrrrr!!
  11. If we don’t talk about it, it didn’t happen.
  12. The storm after that looks good too. Anyone have the 408 gfs panel?
  13. I was at that concert too. Camped out for tickets and got the max of ten, then sold 8. Good times.
  14. I like cold and dry, especially if the local ponds freeze. I remember being a kid and it unexpectedly snowed an inch or so from a clipper overnight, and I was a little mad because I knew it had messed up the ice at our local pond. I’m not a big fan of cold, dry, AND wind.
  15. Wind from the south and southwest 10-15 mph.
  16. Was thinking the same. I’d like to see more of Samsonov too. And that was great pressure for the score!
  17. Perfect weather to be sleeping in the front yard after a long night of celebrating a Ravens win.
  18. ^ Beautiful pics. Glad that you got the day off to enjoy it.
  19. Watch party in the banter thread tomorrow night!
  20. 2/4 T 12/11 0.4" 12/16 0.8” 12/18 T 1/7 2.3” Total: 3.5”
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