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nw baltimore wx

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Everything posted by nw baltimore wx

  1. I’m horrified to admit that for the past 45 minutes I have been watching the movie Showgirls. There is a large multiple of two reasons of why I should be enjoying it, but it’s indescribably terrible.
  2. Caps got three very fortunate goals. And I can’t agree more regarding Tirico.
  3. Definitely. I might be going to the game Wednesday.
  4. All truth. Regarding the cold, dry 70’s, those were my impressionable years (for lack of a better word), and cold, dry was my normal. I loved winter before the ‘79 blizzard, but it’s my favorite storm. Afterwards, the newspaper headlines said that for the DC area it was a once in a lifetime storm, and I remember in the months afterwards thinking it kind of stunk that I was 16 and had seen the best winter storm of my life. Fortunately, newspapers back then were inaccurate too. We’ve had a decent run of big snow since then.
  5. Yeah, those were some lean years, and sucked for a teenager.
  6. Though, that might be because the low is further off the coast.
  7. I’m reading that one of Kobe’s daughters was on the helicopter with him. Really horrible.
  8. Regarding the math talk, coming out of high school, everything seemed difficult. But after goofing around for ten years and then going back to college (umd) at 28, I remember thinking, “Why did I make this so hard?” Ended up with a secondary ed math degree including calc I, II, III, Linear Alg, and five or six 400 level math courses. My point is that all of you thinking you can’t handle the math, I think you might be underestimating yourselves. If I can do it, anyone can.
  9. Last year the city and north of I 70 didn't do as well as the rest of central MD. I had 18.7" and the Columbia area had closer to 27" with the difference being the two biggest storms not budging north of I 70. In the 14 winters that I've been in Pikesville, that's the closest BWI (18.3") has been to my total.
  10. The Trouble with Tribbles. One of the best Star Trek episodes ever.
  11. My girlfriend and I found @Scraff. If there’s beer involved, I knew he’d be here.
  12. @Scraff Any chance you’re at the Bond Trade Show today?
  13. Lititz is a cool little town we drove through on the way home from Reading. Don’t they have a big beer fest in the spring? We had a couple of beers at St. Boniface and a late lunch at Bulls Head. Awesome afternoon
  14. I was just looking at the weenie radar and it looks pretty good! I haven’t looked at reality, but it’s 3 in the morning so who cares?
  15. It’s for Saturday. That stuff is like pine sap. It won’t go anywhere.
  16. If only there was someone on the payroll that could time the traffic signals.
  17. The roads in the city around me are already brined.
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