I had to work yesterday (Nepenthe Brewery is one year old, and what a party!), and just catching up on this thread. Some great stuff in here over the past 24 hours.
Caps were terrible last night. Sorry that Chris made that his game this year.
Nothing to add to the advice given other than that there’s one thing I know. Bad winters here happen, and in spite of all my angst as a kid, it always snows again. I’ve grown to appreciate the crappy winters because it makes the good ones all the better. Not to mention that it’s just snow. My advice? Invest young. Invest a lot. Especially young. Be patient. Play hard. Retire early. And play harder.
Moving? Over the past few weeks I’ve found myself perusing the lots available around Sebago Lake outside of Portland, Maine. What a beautiful area. Seven acres for $39,000? I’m in.
Glad that Mappy’s family is there to help her sister and still sending positive thoughts.
I have more but I haven’t eaten in two days and have done 50,000 steps in that time at a part time job I really don’t need, so my girl and I need brunch. And a Bloody Mary.