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nw baltimore wx

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Everything posted by nw baltimore wx

  1. Just about nothing over here. I also have a lot of yard work to get started on. I’ve been avoiding it because it’s time to do some major renovations.
  2. What are you doing all the way up at Meadowood Park? eta: besides creeping out yoga moms Nice park, btw.
  3. Funny that you should ask. I’ve still got an oyster stout that i really like. Dry, coffee tones, chocolate on the nose, and really soft from the oyster liquor. Also, just going through the Blichmann website because I need some equipment to go with the two 20 gallon brew pots that I got. I’m going to start doing 10 gallon batches so there will be plenty very soon!
  4. The end of snow make up days!!!
  5. I had a doctor appt today (previously scheduled) and we did it by FaceTime. Pretty cool.
  6. It’s the same reason we have to have moderators here in the winter.
  7. Your tidbit for the day: “Don’t put butt, hand, or disinfectant wipes in the pooper.” Why does this need to be said?
  8. Elder Pine blackberry mango sour here. Need to get out that brewery when they reopen.
  9. I hope it’s good news, but I think it needs to be tested (or used) more and see more results before we start celebrating. But certainly encouraging.
  10. Hit the wine/beer/liquor store, build a fire, drink, get a good book, take long walks, drink, take some pictures of Swallow Falls, skip stones on the lake, drink, repeat.
  11. I hope that there was supposed to be a winky face attached to this!
  12. Ugh. Plenty of fluids and rest. Also, if possible, Tylenol over ibuprofen for the fever. Sorry you’re sick and keep us posted.
  13. Did you see that the some areas of San Francisco beginning tomorrow will be sheltering in place?
  14. I’m hoping that they don’t curtail outdoor activities. It’s pretty quiet on the roads so a good time for riding. Alone, of course.
  15. Unrelated, but I was bartending at Nepenthe Brewery in Baltimore a couple weeks ago and a guy was wearing one of your sweatshirts. He had recently been to your Main Street brewery and we had a nice conversation about how good your beers are, but he wasn’t aware of any expansion plans. I know you’ve opened the new brewery site, but I also thought you mentioned possible expansion. Then I read this great article: https://brilliantstream.com/2019/04/stumptown-ales-settles-down/ The article is about a year old, so just wondering if expansion to another site is on the table. eta: did a search on Airbnb and nice pad over the brewery!
  16. With banks getting zero interest, why not just offer no mortgage payments for a month or two with no penalty, and simply add a month or two to the end of the mortgage.
  17. No worries. Hopefully you and your crew continue to get work, especially since I’d assume most of your work is likely outdoors. But there’s no doubt that this is going to be incredibly hard on the majority of Americans. If nothing else, it’s made me appreciate even more that in spite of our differences around the globe, it’s a remarkably small world.
  18. The most disappointing part to me is that there may be a lot of people that agree with the statement and fill the places. Hopefully I’m wrong.
  19. No doubt this will be tough on you and your crew. Just wondering though, there’s no restriction on you working, is there?
  20. I think you and @leesburg 04 have common careers.
  21. I’m sure you know that I’m kidding. Restocking and cleaning a Walmart is not a job I’d want. Kudos to those that do.
  22. The St. Paddy Day bar scenes in NYC (and other big cities) this weekend may have a big impact on numbers in the next week or two there. This is going to be a long road and it’s going to be several weeks before some of the complacent start considering that they may have been wrong. There is still a part of me that hopes we look back on this in six months and there is a large contingency of peeps that say, “See?!? You alarmists were wrong!” But unfortunately, I think we are breezing past that point pretty quickly.
  23. I watched the Caps beat the Islanders last night after being down 4-0 from last month. I was still cheering.
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