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nw baltimore wx

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Everything posted by nw baltimore wx

  1. Wine, bark, beg. Whatev. Whew! This KBS is awesome.
  2. The fact that I still have it is a testament to how bad our winters have been.
  3. Is this two or three years old? Irregardless (yeah, I said it just to annoy those in the know), it's damn tasty.
  4. I’ve had two vodka olive martinis. I need to be specific because we also do pickle martinis . But, I’ve got a two year old KbS, and I did a 25 mile bike ride today so I can afford the calories, so I’ll join you!
  5. I agree.Been standing on a soapbox for anyone that will listen for awhile.
  6. Got nice on this side of the bay too. Gorgeous day for opening day baseball! Go O’s!!!
  7. USA takes over Italy for second most infections and likely will pass China later today.
  8. Just .25” here today, but as long as it keeps coming in regular intervals, I don’t need a deluge,
  9. @gymengineer This helped me understand. Now I need to sketch graphs of your descriptions.
  10. I don’t know much about physics, but you’ve already taught me something. I didn’t know the term jerk in the physics context. I’ll keep reading your post and looking at graphs, and maybe I’ll learn something else.
  11. What???? Royal Farms sells beer in Baltimore? City or county? Oh. It’s RF’s coffee. Duh. How is it?
  12. Attics bother the heck out of my sinuses. I have a cheap two filter mask that helps, but it’s still miserable. Kudos to you and all the tradesmen (and women) that do that work all the time. I support Mike Rowe, but give me new construction all the time!
  13. Euro looks like a general .4 over here and and up to about .6” for you.
  14. There’s no chance of that. I install the wire from end to end then have the professionals install the breaker and the wire connections. I’m just a grunt. I’m not smart enough to do anything more. I did get the drain lines pretty much done today, but again, pvc and downhill is grunt work.
  15. I was getting ready to head up to HD to get some romex, breaker, and outside box for my uninstalled mini split system, but since it’s nice out today, I’m going to wait until early tomorrow morning. It’s nice enough out now for the first mowing of the year!
  16. The black beauty I put down last year is also coming in really well. All the burned up areas from last August and September are looking good. I can tell it’s the black beauty because there are clumps growing out of the aeration holes from last fall. I’ll be mowing between the next two rain makers.
  17. I’m wondering how far I would have to drive to see all snow for a few hours.
  18. I think a natural defense mechanism in uncontrollable situations is to try to find something to point at and say, “Oh, that’s why!” In reality, bad stuff happens everyday that we can’t control. How we choose to react to it though, we can control. Not trying to start anything political, but I find it ironic that in an era where when many have been trying to isolate our country from the rest of the world, that short of building a dome over our country, the world is woven as one. As bad as the situation is now, and as bad as I think it will be before it gets better, it’s my hope that many are realizing how small our world is and how dependent upon each other we are. Down the road when the virus has run it’s course and settles down, I believe that globally we will have learned something from this event and be better as a result.
  19. I didn’t get to the yard today but my gf and I did a nice walk/hike on the Red Run trail in Owings Mills. Very quiet and peaceful. It was very easy to maintain a safe distance from the 10-20 people we saw over the course of an hour. Cushwa Fog at Daybreak as a reward.
  20. Actually I would take that over +5.
  21. Sounds like my old golf course job. I enjoy that kind of work.
  22. About an inch behind you over this way for the month, though everything is greening up quickly. Yesterday had the feel, smell, and sneezing of a late April day. The wind today won’t help my allergies, but at least it’s cooler.
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