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nw baltimore wx

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Everything posted by nw baltimore wx

  1. It’s going to be a tough call here in about 15 minutes when the sun finally breaks through. An hour or so on the bike or give up and just have a drink?
  2. We will spike before the front passes.
  3. Yeah, I’m watching the winter classic again and I see where I jumped the gun. I saw the stationary NHL and the scroll “cancels blah blah blah.” That was for some of the lower leagues. This is how fake news starts!
  4. It scrolled across the screen of the Winter Classic game that I was watching, but like you both, I don’t see it anywhere else. I could have misread it, so sorry if I jumped the gun. Either way, hopefully they can get the playoffs in.
  5. Maybe old news but the NHL cancelled the regular season.
  6. You know the old saying. ”What have you done for me lately?” Here’s to hoping for playoffs in 2020.
  7. Since your still awake, make sure you tune into NBCSN @ 12:30 There’s a game you’ll love coming on. eta: this winter classic is a classic
  8. Same with HoCo, PSU. Meanwhile, I went from the Greater Pumpkin to a Schnee Boot to a Peg Leg. I remember stopping into Heavy Seas in the late fall when I was hopeful for a good winter, but since it never materialized, it’s time to get rid of them. At least the snow game Winter Classic is on. @yoda Go Buffalo!
  9. Wow. We need a double-like button.
  10. Man. That Mt. Airy news is awful.
  11. Damn. I dug through the garage refrigerator and not only did I find a 2018 KBS (which I won’t touch unless it snows), but even better, I found this! And it’s opened now.
  12. Oh, man. That’s awful and so sorry to hear. I will keep you and your family in my thoughts.
  13. In the past two weeks, I’ve perfected my recipe. It’s awesome. So good, in fact, that I just received 3 jars of Luxardo cherries today! Watching the first episode now. These people are pretty much nuts. Though I think that may be the point to set up the series.
  14. Lightning struck a church in Baltimore. https://baltimore.cbslocal.com/2020/03/28/steeple-catches-fire-at-urban-bible-fellowship-church-in-baltimore/
  15. I’ve never watched it. Did it get better?
  16. I thought the end of the world was happening. Morning rolling thunderstorms are my favorite.
  17. Drink more before you engage. On the home front, while letting the hh buzz die down (thanks, @C.A.P.E.), we got the cars cleaned and more importantly, I got the two new (used) 20 gallon kettles cleaned. Waiting for the pump and whirlpool arm from ups, and then it’s brew time.
  18. Start a spring photo thread. It’s time. I’d like to get my camera out again.
  19. Wow. Thanks, @C.A.P.E. What a happy hour. I’m wrecked. Time to clean the cars and get the beer equipment ready for a brew day.
  20. I had my first virtual meeting today and it’s going to be a mess getting older teachers to do “distance learning.” I think I’ll be ok, but I may naive.
  21. I’ll trade raincoats for Manziers.
  22. Ha! Nah. You know I’m having fun. You, your hubby, little Mappy, my gf, and I need to meet at Falling Branch or something else when this is all over. Anyone else too!
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