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nw baltimore wx

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Everything posted by nw baltimore wx

  1. Mrs. J is seasoned. Corona virus ain’t got nothing on her! Happy Anniversary! Happy Pink!
  2. The before and after pictures out of India are crazy. Who could live in that? But I guess LA and NYC were pretty bad back in the 70’s. I remember a ton of code orange and red days back then.
  3. I’m glad they’ve all recovered, and pretty cool that she’s donating to the cause. Out of curiosity, did any of them get tested or did they just know from all the symptoms?
  4. Thanks. She’s in good spirits and is doing well. She’s not in the at-risk age group so unless something drastic changes, she should be fine. The only unfortunate part is that she has to isolate herself from husband and kids.
  5. Did you just call me fat? You sob...
  6. My sister-in-law’s sister is a construction project manager on site in DC and just got the news she has covid. Says she’s ok. Weak, no appetite, but otherwise ok. She resisted getting the test because she didn’t want to waste it on what she was sure was not the virus.
  7. To be fair, I did not ride my bike today.
  8. When I was outside today, it felt like living somewhere else. Snow this morning, cold wind, out for a country drive this afternoon and empty roads... It felt like being away without being away.
  9. Today is a spectacular spring day!! I loved being outside today. We don’t get many transitional days like this.
  10. You enjoy research so look into the BCG vaccine for tuberculosis. It likely isn’t the silver bullet, but the more I read, the more interesting. Here’s an article... https://www.irishtimes.com/news/health/coronavirus-more-striking-evidence-bcg-vaccine-might-protect-against-covid-19-1.4222110
  11. This is my fourth trace or 4T, which when read incorrectly is a really good winter!
  12. Nice sustained snow shower here. Awesome!
  13. I had put this in banter, but I’ll bring it here too. If you want to feel hopeful, check out the tuberculosis (BCG) vaccine that’s given in many countries that are reporting lower cases than “normal.” Of course, some of those countries are the same ones that you’d expect to lie, so maybe no connection at all. However, this interview with Dr. Robert Gallo, the director at the Institute of Human Virology at UMD School of Medicine is intriguing. Go to about 1 minute remaining.
  14. I was thinking an apple bowing ball.
  15. Has anyone else read about a specific vaccine given in some countries at birth that have some weird coincidences with lack of transmissions in those places? I’ve heard some studies are underway to see if there already isn’t a vaccine out there, or at least one that reduces transmissions considerably.
  16. What color is the bowling ball?
  17. Still breezy and 38 this morning.
  18. I went to HD and got a 2” 4’ x 8’ insulation board and ordered contact whiteboard paper from amazon to make a whiteboard in my garage. I normally teach in a portable so this won’t be much different except I won’t have to keep telling the kids to put their phones away and stop chatting.
  19. It’s been pouring here for the last 30 minutes. Gusty winds and thunder.
  20. Sardines = bony salt. What’s not to like?
  21. I got woken up as well, but no idea what time. It sounded pretty bad but there was only .20” in the gauge this morning, so it couldn’t have been too rough.
  22. Stop in for a beer when you’re nearby. Give me a heads up and I’ll pour you an oyster stout while we maintain social distancing. Just no more shaking hands with the clients!
  23. That's awesome! I got up at 5:30 today to get to Home Depot at six when they opened, and I had a bandana on. The trouble with bandanas is that if you don't secure them properly, you touch the areas around your face way more often than you normally would. Fortunately, I though this through beforehand, and now I have a nice, new, 4' x 8' x 1.5" insulation board covered with whiteboard contact paper to use in my garage "classroom"
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