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nw baltimore wx

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Everything posted by nw baltimore wx

  1. You mean forget as in this will be over, or forget as in, “forget it, I’m going out regardless of consequences?”
  2. The point of view that, “If you don’t like it, then you can leave,” is really annoying. I wouldn’t want to live anywhere else in the world but it doesn’t change my opinion that there are some seriously selfish and entitled morons that live here. I’m not pointing fingers in this thread, just saying.
  3. I think butterfly bushes can be cut to the ground each year too to limit size. Mine can handle it anyway.
  4. Yikes. From the Wall Street Journal... “In the 24 hours ending at 8 p.m. Eastern time Thursday, 4,591 people were reported to have died from Covid-19, according to a Wall Street Journal analysis of data from Johns Hopkins University. The prior record was 2,569 on Wednesday.” It sounds insensitive to say it, but hopefully the daily death count peaks quickly so we can definitely say we are on the other side of the curve.
  5. Has anyone else noticed how much clearer the evening and night sky has been the last couple of weeks? Out walking last night particularly reminded me of fall. I guess because the skies naturally look clearer in October compared to August, but the lack of pollution now is even way better than that difference. Venus has been spectacular without the light of the moon the last few nights.
  6. I’m heading out now for a whiskey walk. Not to be confused with a whisky walk, but I don’t have anything from there now.
  7. Just to be clear, Ohio did not say that they were opening schools on May 1, right? That, I think, would lead to trouble,
  8. @supernovasky Seriously, thanks for sharing. That took guts.
  9. It’s probably a beautiful chaise lounge by now.
  10. Duh! Of course! This totally explains how you forget your house keys at PSU’s house and had to drive back to get them.
  11. The northern MD tier will point to you in June for starting the outbreak there. My girl hates my new porkchop sideburns that are growing in nicely!
  12. Ugh. I'm afraid to search for it. eta: Not a tattoo person myself, but good for him.
  13. Great lightning strike and thunder. Still off to the west.
  14. Just some occasional rolling thunder way out to the west here.
  15. Good idea. It’ll be interesting in the coming years as people visit their doctors for routine physicals to see if they had contracted the virus without ever knowing it. Assuming, of course, that checking becomes part of the routine bloodwork.
  16. I remember you being sick with similar symptoms about a month ago. I don’t think you were tested but do you feel confident it wasn’t covid?
  17. Lol. I’m beginning to think you want a drought. Don’t be the new NPZ.
  18. Finishing the Caps vs Knights game 5 with a Manhattan.
  19. We have opposing problems. Apparently, there are springs running through our hood so our sump pumps run way more than normal. I made the mistake of underestimating last year’s late heat and lack of rain, but a normal summer of occasional thunderstorms is all I need to keep the yard watered. If anything, I have to watch for fungus rings,
  20. That looks amazing! I can already see myself sipping a Dogfish Head by the fire pit when the quarantine is lifted. By the way, my front yard always looks pretty good in spring, but by mid summer, the street trees shade it so much that it looks thin and only the fine fescue stays active. The black beauty has taken very well there too, so I’ll report back on how it does in the shade, but I have no expectations.
  21. Let me get a picture before dark. It’s doing great! i can’t begin to describe how bad my backyard looked last mid-September. We had the mini drought and high heat and I didn’t water, so it went past dormant, and certainly died in areas. It hadn’t looked that bad since I renovated in 2004 and started fresh seed, so I figured I would have to be patient and give it a couple years to fill in. I did an aeration and seed in either late September or early October when the weather finally broke, Luckily, last October, and even November, were good for the new seedlings, so I did a light fertilizer late November for root growth, and then a normal spring one with crabgrass pre-emergent, and it’s taking off. I’ll never overseed with anything else.
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