Like pumpkin spice and fall beers, this is too early, not to mention rarely correct. Though, other than the wet southern areas, I think this looks like a typical Niña.
Just my opinion, but I get good results when I aerate and then seed in early to mid September. I also put down milorganite at the same time to help get the seedlings going and feed the recovering fescue.
This reminded me of an article long ago.
I’ll put this here since it’s Debby related, but two photos from my current vantage point atop Killington. First is looking north, and the second south.
edit: and just as I post this, it starts raining.
Had some damage with a tree limb falling across the neighbor’s driveway. We were both lucky he had left the house not ten minutes earlier.
I told him where my chainsaw is and that I don’t gaf because I’m hiking in New Hampshire and Vermont.