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nw baltimore wx

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Everything posted by nw baltimore wx

  1. Come on, man. I love seeing the Ravens do well, but I’m a DC boy. What are you trying to do to us?
  2. Steady light rain has commenced here. I got ready this morning by cleaning the bird turd out of the rain gauge that got dumped in there a few days ago. I had to break out the big gun brewery cleaning PPW powder to get the last of the dried-on stuff out of the inner cylinder.
  3. I’m confused. Wasn’t it the federal government that said it was the state's responsibility to gather their own covid equipment? I realize Miami-Dade isn’t a state but why the contradiction?
  4. I had to look them up, but now I know what you’re talking about. Those are beautiful plants. Good luck!
  5. I know! You really are a zit med!
  6. Rhymes with zit med. eta Damn! Beaten by a moment!
  7. I hope between the false negative tests and the asymptomatic folks, that way more people have been exposed. It would be great if the herd could be exposed and the hospitals not overrun.
  8. Who was the great prophet that first said, “Weather is serious business”? Also, I didn’t want to put a big, insensitive, lol in the covid thread while talking about deaths, but this post made me do just that.
  9. I’m a little surprised the window didn’t break.
  10. On my ipad, the garage floor looked like it had been painted with the flecks paint. Now on my laptop, it just looks like very clean concrete.
  11. It’s frustrating to the point of infuriating.
  12. Dews are really low this morning but the breeze has kept me from getting to freezing. 34 here now.
  13. Dude. That’s awesome. I’ve been struggling to motivate to get my garden going this year because I always have way, way too much for personal use. This is the motivation I needed. Also, I just finished watching this and would recommend it to everyone. https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/frontline/film/coronavirus-pandemic/
  14. Yeah. I just didn’t want to sound like a dooms dayer.
  15. I’d take that bet, but I want you to be right.
  16. That sucks. Have you ever turned a sprinkler on one overnight when there’s a freeze?
  17. Ugggggghhhhh!,, My girlfriend is a big fantasy football fan and I get that she wants to watch the draft, but for Gods sake, do we have to watch a repeat of the 2017 draft?!?! I’m keeping my sideburns forever.
  18. This one was a female too. At least I think so. She was fast though. And why didn’t she fly? She was clearly scared and confused.
  19. My buddy down the street shared some of that with me just before the quarantine. It’s good stuff! Walking home that night was fun.
  20. Other than the buffalo roaming through Pikesville 15 years ago, just saw the craziest thing. A damn turkey was trapped in my neighbor’s yard, hopped the fence and ran through ours on his way down the street. I thought it was a pet peacock at first, but no doubt about it, it was a wild turkey! I’m guess he got caught up in the thunderstorm gusts.
  21. Because it took someone going over the head of the federal government to a different country to get the ball rolling.
  22. So what you’re telling us is that you had an opportunity to put in a garage pit and you didn’t do it. I’ll bet you wore plastic cleats as a kid too! I bought my 1941 house about 15 years ago from the original owner’s daughter who was willed the home when her mother died. Had a full inspection of course, and he was great. But about a year after I bought it, I had the annual furnace service done and the guy was shocked to see the original oil tank in the basement. There were areas that looked so bad on the tank that he was sure he could punch a screwdriver through. I got it replaced immediately and also had it moved outside to under the front porch. In hindsight, I should have converted to natural gas right then, but I can be pretty dumb.
  23. Apparently they’ve invented six foot scissors and nail files.
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