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nw baltimore wx

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Everything posted by nw baltimore wx

  1. Snow chances make the trip all the more likely. And thanks for the growler tip. We have a bunch of empties here.
  2. The problem that I see with your argument is that kids will become carriers. Then their parents become carriers. No, many won’t die, but many will require hospitalization. And almost certainly grandparents will need hospitalization, and some would die. Personally, I’m getting close to being on board with opening some businesses and letting people take their chances, What’s going to be different today than in 30 days? A vaccine? Not likely. I think that quietly, politicians have accepted that we have to let the virus run through the population, but that we also have to make sure it happens slowly enough for adequate health care for those that get seriously ill. Exponential illnesses can get out of control very quickly so I don’t begrudge Hogan or any other politician for going about this with extreme conservatism. I think letting kids play in groups though has the potential to quickly undo the good that last six weeks has done.
  3. If they play together, do you think that they have a significantly higher chance of catching the virus?
  4. Awesome. Thanks for the replies. We can’t get up there before Saturday so I’ll have my gf check out the Facebook page. Hopefully there will be some sours left. Obligatory obs post. Windy
  5. Should kids social distance?
  6. Is a list of canned products available online? Might have to make a day trip.
  7. What are you advocating for openings? Phin too.
  8. I love snow days, but I'd be all for it. I hate adding days to the end of the school year.
  9. We had a great day down in Blackwater including biking the wildlife loop. Saw 9 confirmed bald eagles and a few unconfirmed, but unfortunately, we didn’t catch any snakeheads. Also tried to stop in Wishing Well Liquors but they close early because of covid, so settled on a small beer store and picked up a few things I haven’t seen over here. And now relaxing with a Manhattan. Great day.
  10. We are heading down to Blackwater outside of Cambridge for a bike ride and snakehead fishing.
  11. “Milquetoast beer posts” wtf??? There is no such thing.
  12. @losetoa6 The Black Eye Susan Party will still be held this year. Just in September, I think.
  13. This thread is killing me.
  14. I don't like to waste time. Gittr' done.
  15. The radar looks juiced for you today.
  16. Not as much as I thought yesterday, but more than enough. 1.55”
  17. Not covid related, but my gf has said that to me from time to time.
  18. ^^^ I’m not sure what conclusion can be drawn from that.
  19. It’s an entertaining read!
  20. @FXW176 Is this a swallowtail? I took this in the mountains near Asheville, NC.
  21. Dude. That’s sick! Congratulations. That’s amazing!! eta!! I have a pic for you. It’ll take me a minute to find it.
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